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MOM Group






We’re so glad you’ve stopped by and we are SO EXCITED that we’re in this together! Changing the world one mom at a time takes a revolution of women linking hearts and hands, so let’s do this thing sweet friends! We’ve got a world to reach and moms to minister to!

The MOM Initiative is dedicated to helping the body of Christ make mentoring intentionally missional and easy! And we want to begin by putting some resources in your hands to help you in your journey.

Our goal is to reach a MILLION MOMS and we do that by ministering to moms who know Christ and reaching those who don’t through the power of missional mentoring.

As we seek to bridge the gap between a mom’s need for a mentor and the church’s need for resources we are providing resource the help you in your mentoring journey as you walk through a book specifically designed with moms and mentoring relationships in mind.

Below are some FREE RESOURCES to help you make your M.O.M. Group amazing and easy and life-changing… for you and for the moms you minister to!






