Say “Yes” to Pink Hair – Pick Your Battles Wisely

By Featured Guest: Kathy Howard     Do you sometimes feel like “no” is the only word in your parenting vocabulary? If you have teens and preteens it certainly might be the word they hear most often. No, you can’t stay out until midnight on a school night. No, you can’t see that “R” rated movie with your friends. No, you can’t skip school to go to the mall for the big sale. No, you can’t jump off the bridge even though all your friends are doing it.   Each phase of a child’s growing up presents unique challenges. Because …


Five Ways to Engage Disengaged Kids

By Featured Guest: Mary DeMuth In a world of Halo, iphones, and IM, how do parents strategically engage their tuned-out kids? How can we create the kinds of homes that are irresistible to our children, enticing enough to make them tune out from games, media and texting and tune in to the rhythms of family life? Five ways. One: Offer ‘em Something Better The most enticing thing to a kid is community—real, authentic, God-breathed community. To create this, learn to do the following: Say you’re sorry when you’re wrong and ask forgiveness. Strive to become the person you want your …
