The Risky Rewards of Saying “Yes” to God

She could have said “No.” It would have been the safe, reasonable path to take. After all, who in their right mind would believe that she was pregnant and a virgin? How could she possibly explain this to Joseph? She had no way of proving that she was telling the truth. Saying “yes” to God’s plan for her life meant she risked being stoned to death.  And yet she said it.  Yes to humiliation. Yes to being misunderstood. Yes to an uncertain and frightening future. I can’t imagine the emotions she felt — a young girl, being visited by an …


why you’ll never regret saying YES to God

As a recovering people pleaser, I’ve often regretted saying, “Yes.” Saying “yes” to people without boundaries is risky and foolish to say the least. Sometimes they don’t have our best interests at heart. Sometimes they do, but they simply don’t understand how saying “yes” to their request would impact you and your family.  I’ve found that there is only Person that I can always say “yes” to without regrets — and that’s my heavenly Father.  He always has my good in mind. He knows me intimately. He can see exactly how His requests will be for the ultimate good of others, as well as me …
