Mom Came In Like A Wrecking Ball

Sometimes I recall it in slow motion: Those moments when my kids are laughing, bantering back and forth about this and that, volume rising. A friendly debate ensues, and this mom sees it’s fixin’ to get nowhere fast, maybe even ugly. Then BAM, something inside me snaps, and I just want it to end. I don’t want the conflict, the arguing, the drama. There goes the wrecking ball, aka my tongue lashing, swooshing in to destroy the pettiness and pride. But whose going to destroy mine? “There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of …


Feed My Lambs

“Do you love me?” Jesus asked Peter – you and me, too. “Yes”, Peter answered. Jesus told Peter – and you and me – “Feed my lambs. . . . Shepherd my sheep. . . . Feed my Sheep” (John 21: 15-19) A few weeks ago, my family chose to sponsor through Compassion International an 11 year old boy in Haiti. He is one of those lambs that need feeding, literally and spiritually. My support allows for others to spiritually mother and father this boy – and it allows those spiritual parenting hands to fill bowls and make soul-contact that …

When Siblings Become Friends

When Siblings Become Friends

From the day she was born, I promised. “Your sister is tiny now, but she’ll grow fast. Soon, not too long from now, she’ll be able to play with you. She’ll run and jump and share your puzzles and dolls. You’ll see.” “Really?” My firstborn, then just a couple weeks past her third birthday, gazed in tender awe at her new baby sister, the long-awaited stranger. “Yes, sweetheart. Someday, she’ll be your best friend.” Someday. It seemed so far off in those early months when we juggled two different stages under one roof. This one needed macaroni and potty training …


A “Wise” Alternative

My social media news feeds have been buzzing about Olympian freestyle skier & medalist David Wise and his devout Christian faith…otherwise known as an “alternative lifestyle.” I agree the news reporter’s description is a bit alarming at first read. After all, Merriam Webster dictionary defines the word alternative as 1. al·ter·na·tive, adjective \ȯl-ˈtər-nə-tiv, al-\ : not usual or traditional : existing or functioning outside of the established society Wait! What?!? Well, may I suggest that true Christianity has always been the “not usual choice existing or functioning outside of the established society”? And is it a curse or a blessing? …


Why Moms Matter

A few months ago, I read a funny post about why God made moms. When asked why God made mothers, one second grader said, “She’s the only one who knows where the Scotch tape is.” This is certainly true in my home, and I’m guessing it might be true in yours as well. (Why is it we are the only ones who remember where things are put away?) Unfortunately (and all jokes aside), we moms sometimes agree with this young girl. We feel like all we ever do is clean, cook, or run errands. It’s tempting at times to wonder …


Teach Us To Make The Most Of Our Time Visual Verse

 Time. We have a limited amount of it. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Tomorrow will come and we will have 24 more hours to make the most of our time. What if, sweet moms, we purposed to make the most of that time by being fully present with our families. Fully aware. Fully involved. and fully ready to see what God would have us do with each of those minutes in that day for our kids and our families. It’s not a checklist, nor is it a “dream” of all the great things you will get done that day, but …


How To Have A Jesus Loves You Party With Your Kids For Valentine’s Day

          We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 ESV February has now become the month of love. No longer just a single day, on the actual day of Valentine’s Day, but in a lot of ways the whole month is celebrated by showing those you love how much they mean to you. Honestly, I think it is fantastic idea, but truth be told, our loved ones should know how much we love them all the time…not just on a day, or during a special month that society tells us to celebrate. As a …


A Resource for When Mom Feels Overwhelmed

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the chaos of motherhood? By the never-ending basket of dirty laundry or sink full of dishes?  I certainly have…more times than I’d like to admit.  That’s why I wrote the book, Searching for Sanity: 52 Insights from the Parents of the Bible. This devotional takes a look at the parents of the Bible: both the good and the bad and seeks to learn from the One who invented parenthood. Here is the book trailer.     So today, moms, if you are feeling overwhelmed…if you’re wondering where to turn for parenting advice…I would be honored if you …


If You Give a Mom a Minute

I steal from my children. The loot is nothing tangible—I don’t swipe quarters from their piggy banks or cookies off their lunch plates. What I steal is more valuable. Time. Bit by bit, I snatch precious time from my kids—in increments of just a minute. “Mom, can I please have a cup of juice with my breakfast?” Sure, sweetheart, just give me a minute. “Come see my picture, Momma! I colored it for you!” Wonderful! I’ll be there in a minute. “Mom, I need your help. I can’t pull the cap off my glue stick.” Okay, just a minute. “Will …


Taming “Those” Behaviors

Actor & Comedian Ray Romano is quoted as saying, “The more I go through parenting, the more I say I owe my mother an apology.” Too funny and TOO true! I remember about eight years back when I was a mother of a post toddler, a soon-to-be-tween & a pre-teenager, I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing a majority of the time. Some days, the goin’ was pretty smooth. However, when “those” times came—the ones where behavior problems, entitlement issues and disrespect rose up—then I would lean on the wisdom of the great parents I knew who …
