I love a good to-do list. My husband can attest. Scratch that. Anyone who has seen my writing desk can attest to that. There are electronic lists on my computer and phone, as well as hand-written lists on notepads to prove it. The only problem with a good to-do list is that sometimes…especially with Type A people like me who LOVE getting things done…the items on a list can take precedence over the people in my home. Ugh, I’m cringing as I type. Nonetheless, it’s the truth, and my guess is, I’m not alone in this struggle. I’m guessing …
Let It Go!
Oh how that song from Frozen both inspires and challenges me. You know the song, chances are your kids sing it just about every day, as a matter of fact, some of you are probably singing to it right now in your heads. I actually adore the song, but truth be told it also strikes a very tender nerve for me when I first heard it. You see, my One Word 365 for 2014 (you can find out more here) is “Release”. I prayed over this word and knew that only God would pick this word for me because …
What Does It Really Take to Be a Father?
WHOOOHOOOO! It’s DAD Week at The M.O.M. Initiative and we are SO honored and excited to kick it off with a powerful ‘MUST READ’ post by Matthew Jacobson! It’s a time when we switch it up and YOU get to hear from the heart of a man about being a husband, a dad, and a man. Not long ago, I ‘met’ Matthew’s wife, Lisa, through social media and I was instantly drawn to her heart for God and to minister to the hearts of women. He and his wife, Lisa, have an amazing ministry to families in which they meet moms, wives, dads …
Being A Fully Present Woman
Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and you are interacting and yet not fully present? You catch yourself nodding and even saying something in response every now and then. It’s generally more like an ‘uh huh’ instead of a real response. You are smiling and pretending to be engaged, but the whole time you are actually somewhere else. We’ve all done it, we make the grocery list, text our kids, husband or friends, maybe even check in on Facebook…all the while in the presence of someone right in front of us. It might be the kids, our …
Mom in the Mirror
Motherhood is hard. Gosh, how many times have we heard this phrase? How many times have we been told just how incredibly tough this gig is? The answer is simple: a lot. Often times, I give into that notion too. I tell myself that this job? It’s too hard. That being a mom is too much for me—you know, a task I’m just not equipped to handle. I tell myself all of these things and more. However, it’s not doing me, or my children a bit of good. Yes, motherhood has its struggles, but it’s too easy to …
How to Help Your Children Make Wise Choices
Today, we’re honored to have a precious sister who has become dear to me very quickly. Her heart for God, to minister to women, and to be bold for Christ has been obvious from the moment I met her and I’m so glad she is sharing these words of wisdom about wisdom with us today! Welcome Dawn Wilson, sweet moms! Ask parents, “Do you want a wise child?” and they’ll likely all say, “Yes!” But how do we cultivate that wisdom? It doesn’t just happen. When my two sons were in high school, people often asked me, “How did …
Even Moms Need More Sleep
And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. Genesis 2:2 ESV She’s here, she’s there, she’s everywhere. You’re the mom, which means you are always on the go: groceries, diapers, and carlines are a part of your everyday world and somewhere in the chaos of it all we’ve bought into the lie that we’ve got to be some kind of supermom. You know, faster than a speeding bullet, stronger than…oh, who are we kidding, we’re not super mom, nor should …
How Moms Can Enjoy Their Days…Even the Hard Ones (Plus a Giveaway)
We have probably all been there. A sweet grandmother looks longingly at our children squeezed into the cart at the grocery store and utters words similar to these: “Enjoy these moments. Time goes by so fast.” And though we appreciate her sentiment, there’s another part of us that wonders…How can we enjoy these moments full of tantrums, middle-of-the-night feedings, hours of crying, and more diapers than we can count? How can we enjoy these moments that are just plain hard? I have been there (more times than I care to admit). I have been the mom wishing for the next …
For the Days When You Lose
Do you know those days when—although nothing went “wrong”—you still feel like you lost? Failed. Came up short. For me, those days look like every other day—school drop-offs and pick-ups, a handful of bottles for the baby, a round of Candyland in the afternoon, the bedtime rush. I may have taken a tone with the kids while trying to make dinner, but by all accounts, it was a good day. A perfectly normal day in my life. So why do I sometimes still feel defeated? Over the years I’ve noticed one distinguishing factor: the expectation I was holding up that day without even …
Girlfriends, Curfews and Grades…Oh My! Parenting Today’s Teenager!
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Ephesians 6:18 NLT Moms of teenagers, buckle up, all the bumps and bruises you went through in the baby, child, and adolescent stage start to prepare you for the adventure of parenting today’s teenager. I’m not trying to scare you at all, just speaking the truth in love from one mom to another. So, let’s put on our safety harness and walk through some of this together, shall we? As the mom of two teenage boys it …