Kids & Chores – No Reason to Be Tired

Is your house a mess? Would you be mortified if a friend stopped by without calling first? Are your children at an age where they can go to the potty by themselves? Have they figured out how to use the TV remote DVD player, or  your home computer? Then, there’s no reason your little darlings can’t help you around the house. Martha Stewart would not be impressed with my shower, nor would she praise me for my windows –still, my home is in good enough shape for company. I learned early on as a mom of four children, I had four …


Emotions, Hormones, and Sin

Ever since my children were small I’ve noticed that it can be easy to make excuses for sinful behavior. When they are two we call it “the terrible two’s“.  Many behaviors are excused because it is said that they “are normal for that age“. When they turn 13 “their bodies are changing!”. When they are 16 “it’s hormonal” or “they are teenagers“. When they are college age “they are just immature…it’s ‘normal’ to act that way ‘at their age“! What I find interesting is that it doesn’t stop there. Women blame sinful behavior on hormones. When we’re pregnant, “it’s hormones“. …


Icy Pop Fun

Wow! June is already here! Our gift to you today is an easy, fun summer project you can do with the kiddos!  Beat the heat with these easy, inexpensive and oh-so-tasty ice pops! Jello makes these cool treats less drippy. Let us know what you think! Ingredients 1 unsweetened Kool-aid packet,   1 (3 ounce package) fruit flavored Jell-O mix 1 cup white sugar (reduce if needed for taste),   1 cup boiling water 22  paper drinking cups (3 ounce),    22 craft sticks Directions In a large drink pitcher combine jello, Kool-aid, sugar and boiling water. Stir until dissolved. …


Remind Your Kids Who They Are

 Youth group summer camp begins tomorrow morning. Grace and Samuel’s bags are packed and sitting by the front door. They are so excited they can barely stand it. We have a family tradition whenever we say our goodbyes. Whether they’re going on a play date or staying overnight at their Papa and Nana’s house- after reminding them to behave, we whisper to them, “Remember who you are and Whose you are.” When you give your heart and life to God, you are on of His children. With that comes not only a new life but an abundance of promises He has made to …


Mom Mission Statement…and why it’s important to have one

4 “Listen, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.[a] 5 And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. 6 And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. 7 Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Deuteronomy 6:4-7 NLT Mission Statements — Most businesses have them, ministries have them, and so do …


How a Wiggles Movie Changed My Life

“Please, Mom? Pleeeease?” My daughter pleaded as she climbed into her car seat. Since buying our first minivan, I’d come to appreciate all its amenities but one—the built-in DVD player. That thing was a source of constant battle. Every time we boarded the van, my children asked to watch a movie. And every time I replied, no. Because good parents don’t let their children watch television in the car. My Perfect Parent Handbook has lots of rules like that. Good parents don’t buy sugary cereal. Good parents don’t let their children wear pajamas to the playground. Good parents have a …



Out of playdough? No problem! Here is an easy, fun recipe the kids can help with! Make sure to keep this one handy! 1-cup salt, 2-cups flour, 2-cups water, 1/4-cup vegetable oil, 1-tablespoon cream of tartar Place ingredients in pan, add your favorite food coloring, stir over low heat until dough is  not sticky,  looks and feels like playdough. Enjoy playing with your kids! Isaiah 64:8  But now, O Lord, You are our Father, we are the clay, and You our potter; and all of us are the work of your hand. Enjoy your weekend! Tara Dovenbarger,       …


Are You a YES Mom or a NO Mom? 6 Tips to Help You Find Out

When my sons were young, I caught myself doing it over and over again. Saying NO without really thinking about what they were asking. NO just seemed to slip from my lips before I thought it through. I knew I needed to listen, think and then respond, but I just kept saying NO. I had become a NO Mom. Giving a knee-jerk NO to whatever they asked for was definitely not on the “Good Mom” list and I knew it was time to carefully consider my comebacks to their questions. It’s not that NO is always a bad thing. It’s …


Moms are meant to graduate

I’m graduating this week. Sunday was a Baccalaureate service for our oldest child, and the week will wrap up with the commencement of her Class of 2013. While my long-ago-little girl takes exams and anticipates her diploma, I’m doing some evaluating of my own. I’ve been the best mom I could be, but I have not been a perfect mom. Is mommy guilt seeping in?  A mom can’t help but ask herself if she did the right things, made too many mistakes, or gave her children a good example to follow. Did my children see me? … read my Bible …


A Letter to My Child

Dear child of mine who happens to be a teenager, I know that you and I can get on each other’s nerves.  But I want you to know that I love you and that God is showing me so much about Himself, and about myself, just by you being here.  I am a better person having known you and I want you to know I am so thankful that God has put you in my life. I know that sometimes It doesn’t seem as though I am thankful.  But I am.  Please forgive me for not expressing that often enough. …
