5 B’s for Being the “Bad Guy” Moms Sometimes Need to Be

A few weeks ago I posted 5 B’s to a Better Day. Today? 5 B’s for the “Being the Bad Guy” moms need to BE! BE the ONE TO SAY “NO” to UNWHOLESOME TV I remember well when at a gathering, all the kids were going to watch a movie. However, when my husband and I found out the movie that had been turned on, we told our kids, NO. Their same aged friends stayed “tuned in.” We were the “bad guys.” Some adults thought we were silly. We’ve never been sorry for being the “bad guy” and saying NO to …


Moms Grow Up, Too

This time of year, my husband treks to the Wisconsin northwoods—to hunt. I can measure motherhood in hunting seasons. Six years ago, on opening bow weekend, I stood at the living room window and waved to my hubby’s truck with tears welling in my eyes. While he climbed trees and relished pink sunrises, I scrubbed bottles and rocked a fussy baby. Hours crept. Conversations were one-sided. I was lonely, frazzled, and desperate for a nap. When little sister blessed our world, I juggled baby food jars and preschool crafts. My then three-year-old missed her dad almost as much as I …


Lunchbox Love Notes For Your Kids

It’s that time again. The kids are back in school and with that our mommy calendars immediately start to fill up. New routines. New bed times. New nightly stress about homework and even after school activities. Oh how I love the smell of a freshly sharpened number two pencil (no really, I do) and also dislike all the anxiousness that surrounds the back to school season. Did we get all the supplies on the class lists? Are we going to miss the bus? What about classes, did they get the classes they needed or the teachers we wanted? Breathe in …

hwo to be a parent teachers love

How to be a Parent Teachers Love

Teachers hope and pray they’ll get at least one of “those” parents in their classroom. A sensitive, enthusiastic, flexible parent has the potential to make all the difference in a teacher’s year and, as a result, in a child’s year too. Prize parents don’t brown nose in hopes of scoring top grades for their child or the lead role in the Thanksgiving play, but they see themselves as an educator’s resource able to lift a teacher’s load and support their school. You may not find “Awesome Parent” on the teacher’s supply list, but every educator longs to receive the gift …


The Danger of Not Seeing the Cucumber for the Leaves

  Gently lifting the green leaves, I searched among the vines for a cucumber. Again I was disappointed. My gardening attempts had begun in the spring after enjoying a salad from my sister-in-law’s garden. I had known Loes gardened, but the idea of weeding and watering weren’t my thing. That is, until I ate from her garden and my attitude changed. The Secret Gardener The following day, I decided to try gardening. I didn’t tell Keith. I didn’t tell Loes. I quietly went to the nursery and checked out the plants. Who knew there were so many varieties of tomatoes …


When You Want What They Have

“Mom, I wish we lived in that house.” Perched inside her playset lookout tower, my daughter cast wistful glances toward the neighbor’s yard a few houses north. “Why? I thought you liked our house.” “Well, they have a pool and a picnic table.” Ah. I see. “But they don’t have a sandbox. Or swings. Or all of your favorite toys inside,” I reasoned. “Just because they have a pool doesn’t mean that house is better. We belong here, in our house.” Wise counsel, O Super Mom. Maybe you should take it yourself. How many times have I wished for someone …


Raising Brave Kids

She mounted the twisted iron ladder to the monkey bars. Surely she could slip and smack her nose. So I yelled to my six-year-old before she reached the second rung. “Be careful!” Those words fly out of my mouth about a hundred times a day. When my daughters dance dizzy in the living room, run barefoot through the yard, fumble with poster paints, or beg to pour the milk—my mommy reflex blurts, Be careful! Accidents are not on our agenda today. The way I see it, God entrusted these children to my care, and I am determined not to mess …


Queen of the Road: Back Seat Traveling Made Easy

My family recently made a three-day road trip from one end of the country to the other. Stopping for meals, sightseeing and hotels each night still makes for very long days. I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but all the moms out there somehow got nominated “Road Trip Queens”. That means, you pack everything, you’re supposed to know where everything is at all times, and you hand things to people in the car when they need them.  It’s a very important job. I love being the queen of the road, but it does make reading more than three …


Praying For Your Kids: Simple, Specific, Power-Packed Prayers

For years I had heard it said that we needed to pray for our kids. I get that, and I completely stand behind that thought process. What I didn’t always understand was the beauty and wisdom that came from praying simple, specific, power-packed prayers over my kids. It took a lot of reading, praying and talking with my husband, but over the course of all that investigating we discovered there were some very practical things we wanted to pray for over our boys. It actually fit perfectly with my M.O.M. Mission Statement (see my post in May 2013) and very …


Five Things I LOVE About Being a Boy Mom

My desire to have three boys and three girls didn’t last long. After my first son was born I quickly decided that I wanted to be a boy mom. No girls for this girl. At least that’s what my plan was at the time and although I didn’t realize it, it seemed to be God’s plan too. No ruffles, dresses, patten leather shoes or barrettes. No way. Not for this momma. My shopping cart would overflow with jeans, t-shirts, tennis shoes and an occasional dress shirt and tie. And I was happy about that!  Still am. Not that being a …
