Mommy Confessions: when I realized I didn’t like my child

Don’t get me wrong; I LOVE my children. I am so very blessed to be able to have them, and I truly believe all children are a blessing and cause us to be better people. Guys, I am agonizing over this! I know it shouldn’t be said out loud, but I’m going to because I know I’m not alone. So, my husband has recently returned from an extended work trip that took him out of town. During said trip, one of my children began to act out. I mean, completely lost it! He would not respond to punishment, rewards, nada. …


Mom Doubt. God, What Were You Thinking?

“God what were you thinking when you gave me this kid?” “God what were you thinking when you gave me this kid?” @loriwildenberg @themominitiativ Click To Tweet Have you ever asked The Lord a question like this? I know I have. Do you doubt you’re equipped or qualified to be the mom to you kids?   I question my position when I’m: Navigating issues— issues I don’t have a good handle on.   Being exposed to interests and hobbies I am not naturally drawn to. Experiencing frustration with a personality so different from my own.  Yet, even in the midst of …

Dear Woman Who Witnessed My Child's Meltdown - There are a few things you should know... Read more from The Mom Initiative and Lindsey Bell

Dear Woman Who Witnessed My Child’s Meltdown

I was shopping not too long ago when my son had a major meltdown. MAJOR! After receiving a few looks and hearing one unkind comment about my child’s meltdown, I decided a post was in order. Dear woman who witnessed my child’s meltdown, I know how bad that meltdown must have looked. Believe me. I know. (I was there too, remember?) While he was screaming and throwing himself around on the floor, I know it didn’t reflect well on my ability to parent. I know he was loud. I know he was bothering those who were around us. I know …


Dream The Biggest Dreams

What dreams do you have for your children? Proud moms like us can see all the potential stored up in in our offspring. Even before others discover their talents and gifts, we have inklings of what each of these precious ones can become. From their youngest years, it is easy to begin dreaming about what their future holds. My daughter was singing beautifully at age two. My son threw a football across the nursery when he was nine months of age. Each of my little ones displayed qualities for which I knew they had talent. I wondered how they would …


Raising People Is Hard Work

I used to think that babies were hard. My first two kids came along 16 months apart from each other, and I lived in a mild state of panic and reaction for a good two years that completely exhausted me. I loved every precious minute of it, but I was flat out tired. My husband and I talked about wanting six children. Then we had two. Enough said. Eight years after my second child was born, we had a…. surprise. I found out I was pregnant, and (I’m going to be honest here, no judgment) was depressed about it for …

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Health(ier) Meals for Families On-the-Go

Once upon a time, when my girls were babies, I made majority of their baby food.  I have always enjoyed being creative in the kitchen but since I’ve been working part-time, it has been so much harder to put a home cooked meal on the table each night.  We juggle two work schedules, mother’s morning out, church, gymnastics, working out, and family/friend time each week.  Needless to say, some nights our dinner consists of pizza or chinese food!  In an effort to keep up with our on-the-go family, I’m trying to get back to food basics with health(ier) options for …


15 Ways to Break Your Child’s Heart

Working with parents and kids I have seen the little ones (and older kids) totally deflate when mom or dad parents or interacts a particular way.  There are 15 arrows that always pierce the tender hearts of our kids. Let’s put these weapons down.  If you want to break your child’s heart and crush his spirit, do these 15 things:  Do these 15 things if you want to break your child’s heart.@themominitiativ @loriwildenberg #RaisingKids Click To Tweet Discipline in anger. “You are grounded for life.” Criticize rather than correct. “That’s a stupid way to solve that problem.”  Lecture rather than …


Mom to Mom (The difference between principles & methodology in parenting)

Being a mom is such a beautiful gift. But it comes with challenges every day. OVERWHELMED is WHERE MOST MOMS LIVE. We struggle with what our children are exposed to in this crazy world, the friends they hang around with, the schools they go to, their education, their temptations, what they watch on TV, the music they listen to… Moms struggle with finding their way, with comparing themselves among themselves, with trying to be Pinterest perfect mommies with Pinterest perfect homes and Pinterest perfect lives.  But there are no perfect moms, there are no simple solutions, there are no easy …


Ways to Help Your Children Remember God

In my new book, releasing today, Forsaken God?: Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten, I discuss the vital importance of raising up the next generation to not only know God, but insure they have a relationship with Jesus. That means parents must follow biblical guidelines in raising their children. The results will be immediate. parents must follow biblical guidelines in raising their children. The results will be immediate. Click To Tweet Ways to Implement Deuteronomy 6:6-9 in Your Home In the Generation to Generation section of Forsaken God?, I discuss Deuteronomy 6:6-9, where Moses instructed the Israelites …


How to Pray for the Parents of Our Grandchildren

Recently I had the joy of ‘meeting’ Lillian Penner through a phone conversation and I instantly loved her heart for God, for God’s girls and for the need to bridge the generation gap and embrace the godly influence that grandparents can have in the lives of their children and grandchildren. I asked her to share some words of wisdom here at The MOM Initiative. SO without further ado, here’s Lillian sharing How to Pray for the Parents of Our Grandchildren.   The parents of our grandchildren have a great responsibility parenting our grandchildren in these insecure, unstable times we live in. …
