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Health(ier) Meals for Families On-the-Go

Once upon a time, when my girls were babies, I made majority of their baby food.  I have always enjoyed being creative in the kitchen but since I’ve been working part-time, it has been so much harder to put a home cooked meal on the table each night.  We juggle two work schedules, mother’s morning out, church, gymnastics, working out, and family/friend time each week.  Needless to say, some nights our dinner consists of pizza or chinese food!  In an effort to keep up with our on-the-go family, I’m trying to get back to food basics with health(ier) options for …


How to See Eating Disorders in Kids

On the day she shared her story with me, Katie Kluke’s blue eyes were full of hope. She wore a soft gray sweater that draped easily around her slender frame. Her voice was calm as she told how she once used her Daddy’s stability wrap to encircle her girlish self, making her feel wonderfully “small.” She recounts how she didn’t want “thunder thighs” or the way they made her look: not petite, even in second grade. By 8th grade, family stress stirred the lies in her heart and mind and a full-blown eating disorder in her body. The United States …

Loving Local Food

To Market: Loving Local Food

Summer is a ripe opportunity to teach kids about loving local food. When it’s time to close the school books in our town, the farmers market opens.  With the open market comes lessons about diet and the quality of food we choose for a healthy lifestyle.  Moms can use the market as a classroom for a lifetime of wellness. During our family visits to our local farmers market, we’ve enjoyed a bounty of benefits. The obvious ones fit into my market basket, but others grow in the habits, understanding, and hearts of our kids. Market days show our kids that …
