When Grandma Becomes a Mom Again

I remember years ago standing and watching my dear friend with her grandson, thinking I will never do that. She was now raising her grandson after her daughter-in-law died unexpectedly.  My thoughts were, “Why would you do that when his dad was a grown man, in good health, and quite able to take care of him?” Over the years I really had no understanding of why she didn’t just let her son take care of him. I knew he had some problems, but still… this was his child and he needed to step up to the plate. How ignorant was …


5 Things I Want My Kids to Know

Before we get started, I’m excited to announce the winner of yesterday’s giveaway of MAGNETIC by Lynn Cowell. DRUM ROLL PLEASE……… And the winner is – Micah Day! Congratulations Micah! You’ll be receiving an email with info about how to receive you book! SUPER EXCITED for you! —————————————————————–   My momma used to say, “Hind sight is 20/20.” But I never really understood what that meant until I was old enough to look back and discover that time is like a really good teacher that showed up to give you all the answers after you already graduated. Looking in the …


The Irony of the Empty Nest

How painfully hard it is to watch as the momma bird nudge her little babies out of the nest. They desperately try to cling to the wiry branches that had once been meticulously placed there by their parents. It was their home… all they ever knew. They were carefully cared for while they nestled in the twig-lined tree house yet a whole wide world awaited them beyond their little bungalow suspended between two limbs. But it’s time for her babies to soar. It was what they were created for. It’s ironic, you know? You raise them up to let them go. I know …
