Moms, Are You Eating Organic Food?

  Dear Sluggish-Yet Sweet Moms, Are you tired, run-down, strung-out and simply feeling unhealthy? Well, it’s time to change the way you are EATING!  It’s time to eat ORGANIC and NON GMO foods! Yes, it is true you will pay a little more for your food. But isn’t it worth it to be healthy, so you can give your best to your kiddos and family? If you are not taking care of yourself, then you simply will not have the energy to take care of others and be the mom your kids need.  And wouldn’t you rather pay a little more for food now? To avoid …


When Pit Shaving is NOT Optional: 12 Tips to Clean Eating for Busy Families

The conversations at our dinner table go something like this. “What is it?” (all three kids are eyeballing the food as if it came from mars and poke it with forks to ensure it is actually dead). Me: “It’s food. Eat it.” Elijah: “MOOOM what IS it?” Me: “It Millet Loaf, created with love. Cheyenne (She needs to go to Junk Food Anonymous): “Can’t we just have normal food for once?” Me: “Sure,  we can have processed food that fills your arties with plaque, sets you up for cancer and diabetes. No problem. Maybe it will make y’all lethargic and …
