How To Change Your Stinking Thinking

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. ~ Philippians 4:8 Mom, it’s so easy to get stuck in some stinking thinking. Believe me, I know…I’ve been there, done that and got the t-shirt. Trust me on this though, this is one place you just don’t want to hang out in because it will start to affect every single aspect of your life. We’re going to jump in today and talk about how to change your stinking thinking. Your marriage, …


Finding Quiet in Our “Everything is Awesome*” World

    In our dazzling million dollar budget animated everything is awesome sensory overloaded world… it is hard to think…to pause…to find quiet. Daily life now resembles the rapid fire visuals seen on huge 3D movie screens which dash at us so fast… we don’t pause… to calculate… to consider…   The overwhelming roller-coaster of clamorous non-stop information penetrates our minds and splits our thinking…while silently shaping who we are… from the inside out.  Our souls starve for quiet reflection amid the pounding chaos.  For uninterrupted thoughts.  For deep truth. When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on the …


Empowering Kids to Make Wise Decisions

As my kids grow bigger, I’m learning to let them make their own choices. Even when I disagree. Like last Saturday, for example, at the grocery store. “Mom, can we get a watermelon? Please? Please? I love watermelon!” My seven-year-old spied a crate of enormous melons in the center of the produce aisle. She clasped her hands in front of her chest and pleaded. “Sure, we can get a watermelon,” I nodded. “If you promise me you’re going to eat it.” “I will, I will! Can I pick one?” “Uhhhh . . .  okay.” Now, you need to understand—I’m really …


Being A Fully Present Woman

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and you are interacting and yet not fully present? You catch yourself nodding and even saying something in response every now and then. It’s generally more like an ‘uh huh’ instead of a real response. You are smiling and pretending to be engaged, but the whole time you are actually somewhere else. We’ve all done it, we make the grocery list, text our kids, husband or friends, maybe even check in on Facebook…all the while in the presence of someone right in front of us. It might be the kids, our …


You Don’t Have to Be An Irritable, Crabby or Snappy Wife

  Whatever is true about my husband, whatever is noble about my husband, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable about him—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think only of these things.  Philippians 4:8 (Tara Version:)   Eight little bare feet scrambled in excitement with newfound energy to meet their dad dressed in suit and tie.  “I’m home,” his low voice sang as I heard each child clamor for his attention. Steaming mad I hunkered down in the next room, arms crossed and jaw fixed. My mind erupted all the negative thoughts from the long day,  “He is …

What did I do before Facebook

What did I do before Facebook?

As a Women’s Ministry Director for nearly a decade, I’ve watched big trends in the lives of women over the last ten years. Communication and technology are in over-drive when it comes to the pace of change. It has been so fast that we’ve have barely had time to stop and learn, much less reflect on how it’s impacting our lives. Social media and our technology habits have changed women personally, as wives and as moms. Family life is different now. It often takes a crisis, power outage, vacation, illness, honest friend, or the Holy Spirit to slow us down …


A “Wise” Alternative

My social media news feeds have been buzzing about Olympian freestyle skier & medalist David Wise and his devout Christian faith…otherwise known as an “alternative lifestyle.” I agree the news reporter’s description is a bit alarming at first read. After all, Merriam Webster dictionary defines the word alternative as 1. al·ter·na·tive, adjective \ȯl-ˈtər-nə-tiv, al-\ : not usual or traditional : existing or functioning outside of the established society Wait! What?!? Well, may I suggest that true Christianity has always been the “not usual choice existing or functioning outside of the established society”? And is it a curse or a blessing? …


Loving the family table

WEEK OF LOVE at The M.O.M. Initiative ~ BUY 1/GET 1 or BUY 1/GIVE 1 Tickets to BETTER TOGETHER  TODAY’s GIVEAWAYS! Mama Needs a Time Out by Heather Riggleman Christian Mama’s Guide to Baby’s First Year by Erin MacPherson ENTER TO WIN by COMMENTING, SHARING this POST through Twitter or Facebook, and get EXTRA BROWNIE POINTS for sharing a BLOG ON YOUR SITE about the CONFERENCE (bloggers are added to our BLOG PARTNER LIST when you email us and let us know when and where to find the post!)  *WINNERS will be announced in SUNDAY’s LIST OF WINNER of our …


Having A Happy Birthday Jesus Party: In Your House And In Your Community

I love December. There’s so much to celebrate as well as so much to do, but one of the most fun things we’ve done over the years is to have a Happy Birthday Jesus Party. What, you’ve never heard of that? That’s ok. It’s actually something we started doing in our Kids Ministry at church and over the years we have expanded it from what we do on Sunday mornings at church to the homes and neighborhoods of the families we serve. I would love to take a few minutes to tell you about having a Happy Birthday Jesus Party: …


Preparing Your Kids To Be Mission Minded

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19 NLT Missions trips will change your life. They will wreck you. You will never be able to look at poverty the same again. You will be compelled to do something about it. Your days of sitting by thinking there’s nothing that I can do to help will quickly be erased from your thought process…you will be determined to make a difference. One day. One child. One step at a time. That’s what has happened …
