The Paradox of Motherhood

I remember the day a newly-engaged young woman asked me a thought-provoking question. “What do you love most about being a mom?” Her eyes glittered, fresh with the hope of someday–after choosing wedding colors and the perfect white dress–embracing the season I was living.  A mom of five kids under the age of ten, my life was a daily blur of diapers and dishes, homework helping and hand-holding. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d slept through the night. Or gone to bathroom alone. Or curled up on the couch and read a book with a plot line more intricate than Green …


Children Are a Blessing: Psalm 127:3

  Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. (Psalm 127:3 NIV)  Make no mistake, children are a gift to us from our Lord Jesus Christ. Children are created by God, and he blesses us with them. They are not just gifts, but precious rewards hand picked and created by God. So Moms, the next time you are tired and run down from a crazy, busy week, remember not to take it out on your precious little gift from God. Slow down, take a few minutes for yourself (even if it’s in the bathroom because that’s the only time …
