I still remember my firstborn’s baby room: light blue paint with Peter Rabbit border, rocking chair in the corner, brand-new crib with matching accessories. My time was spent making sure everything was just right. I had a great time planning everything for my babies first year. In all this fun planning, though, I didn’t save a single thought about his pediatrician. I didn’t realize at the time how important and stress relieving it is to have a great doctor on hand. I wish then what I know now. On your pursuit for a pediatrician, what should you look for? A doctor …
Forbidden Grief
My children, husband and I were eager to share our lives with another brother or sister during my third pregnancy. Then without warning, our eagerness turned to devastation. Our twenty-week sonogram showed that my unborn son had Trisomy 18. We were told by all the professionals that the best thing we could do would be to terminate our pregnancy. That is when the pressure to abort began. The doctor visits and phone calls to my home were constantly persuading me to end my pregnancy. Well meaning family members also assured me to listen to the doctors. The pressure was …
4 Solid Tips For Your Summer Road Trips
I couldn’t wait as a teen for summer to be here. Oh the freedom, the road trips, the memories. Flash forward to present day, I still love spur of the moment road trips but cringe slightly at the thought of being locked in my suburban with my three kids. If you dread it too, and are looking for ways to maximize peace and fun; and minimize the potential of world war III–I’m your girl. We have family in four different states and I speak often, in which case my family sometimes travels along. Your Summer Road Trippin’ Fun Tips Photo …
Mommy Guilt
I am not the perfect mom. I love my husband and my kids, but I mess-up–often. Some days I make lots of mistakes–other days I do better. However I will never be perfect–not this side of heaven. Sometimes I pick-up every mistake I make, but my burden is heavy. It whispers to my heart. You will never do this right. You are messing up your children. You are a bad mother. You will never be enough. My heart convulses as I lose myself in the lies my burden feeds me. I lose my joy in fear. My strength evaporates in …
Mount WashMore
The day is going about as usual. One child is on the floor doing the famous “drop and flop” after not getting her way. The laundry pile, “Mount WashMore”, is glaring at me from the other room screaming how behind I am. The older two should be doing schoolwork, but the phone rang so they are off and running. A million other things are buzzing in my brain needing my attention at the same time. Overwhelmed does not come close to describing how I am feeling. As a mom who loves the Lord and wants to leave a Godly …
Practical Mom Tips for the Evening Hours
I’ve been hearing great feedback over my posts. Moms love the encouragement, wisdom, and devotions But some of you have caught my eye. Yes, I’m talking to you, the stressed out, frazzled, sleep deprived, slightly crabby mom. Trust me, I’ve been there and here’s a hug and some practical supper time tips to help de-stress your life a little bit. Create a Menu. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Mine goes Sunday through Saturday: Chicken bake, Spaghetti, Tatortot casserole. Creating a menu gives you more time to focus on your kids. Plus they can even help cook if needed. And it will …
The 4-1-1 On Motherhood
Let’s face it, when it comes to motherhood, we’re clueless–but we THINK we know everything. The moment that stick turns up two lines to show a positive, we suddenly are knowledgeable about being pregnant, giving birth, and caring for an infant. Most of us inhale books, some sit back, relax and say, “Let the good times roll,” while others are on their knees praying for divine intuition about motherhood. But in most of these versions of mom’s I’ve seen, we act as if we know it all. If you ask me, giving birth (my youngest was over 10 pounds, so …
Season of Growing
A walk to my mailbox yesterday revealed a rose about to bloom. A clematis vine winds its way up the porch, hanging with purple blossoms. Even the fungus on the stump has gone from espresso cup to soup bowl size in a matter of days. If growth is the symphony of springtime, our children take center stage. It’s time for mommies everywhere to set aside their ironing baskets, resist spring cleaning, and turn off technology in favor of embracing this season of growth with our children. Including these 7 essential ingredients in your spring will help you make the …
Are You A Frazzled Mom?
By Featured Guest: Amanda Beth Sometimes I feel like I’m running a hundred miles an hour in fifty different directions, but not getting anywhere. Do you ever feel that way? Since having my fourth child two years ago, I’ve been worn down. It’s almost impossible to do anything without having to constantly stop and take care of something. Even when I started typing this post, I had to stop and break up two fights, put one kid in time out TWICE, fix a broken toy, and clean up not one spill, but THREE spills (not joking!). A five minute …
Expecting Stretch Marks
During the 40 weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s body does things she never imagined it could do. It begs for us to use the word “miracle” to describe the whole, amazing process. When our skin stretches more than it’s happy to, reddish or purplish marks develop that remind me of childhood poison ivy moments, minus the scratching. Primarily due to heredity, stretch marks may appear on your stomach, chest, or behind, anywhere the body is doing the miraculous work of growing to accommodate carrying and bearing new life. They appear gradually, so you may not even notice them at first …