Hope for Try-Hard Moms

I was elbow-deep in soapsuds when my 4-year-old’s cries prompted me to drop my dishrag, abandon the breakfast dishes, and  race to the other room. Maggie had been coloring a picture, but when I reached her side, the paper lay crumpled and torn on the floor. “Honey, what’s wrong?” I asked. “I can’t color in the lines,” Maggie complained. I retrieved the wrinkled paper and smoothed it with my palm. The kitty on the coloring page looked like it had been caught in a crossfire. “See?” my preschooler said, as she rubbed the crayon furiously over the holes on the …


Weakness and Strength

There is a lie I swallow whole and it is killing me. The lie that everyone is better at this life than I am… …that they all know what they are doing. …that they are better at this mothering thing than I am. …that they have best friends who “do life together” and they communicate every day and have dinner together and their kids love being together. …that they have the best marriages and cook healthy meals every night. And I somehow don’t measure up in any sense of the word. The truth is everyone is figuring out this life …
