My mind raced from the effects of the drugs in my system as I sat in my pastor’s office. Seemingly overnight, I found myself 25 pounds lighter and thinking I was healthier than ever, but in reality–I was in chains. Confounded and ashamed, I couldn’t believe I was in this mess again—only this time the battle ground seemed different. Instead of fighting outward struggles, like a financial collapse or wayward kids—I was fighting myself and quickly losing ground. In fear I was afraid of admitting my struggle, I was worried I would be removed from ministry or lose my …
Moms Grow Up, Too
This time of year, my husband treks to the Wisconsin northwoods—to hunt. I can measure motherhood in hunting seasons. Six years ago, on opening bow weekend, I stood at the living room window and waved to my hubby’s truck with tears welling in my eyes. While he climbed trees and relished pink sunrises, I scrubbed bottles and rocked a fussy baby. Hours crept. Conversations were one-sided. I was lonely, frazzled, and desperate for a nap. When little sister blessed our world, I juggled baby food jars and preschool crafts. My then three-year-old missed her dad almost as much as I …
Don’t Give Up In the Middle of the Marriage Tunnel
Have you ever heard anyone say that marriage isn’t easy? I’ve heard it too, but if you’re like me, you let it roll off your back. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe it. It’s just that I didn’t relate to it. What wasn’t my current reality didn’t seem real. But you don’t have to be married for any length of time to discover that marriage really isn’t easy. Maybe you’re there now! Marriage is hard and it not only takes a lot of work, it takes a lot dying to self, a lot of patience, a lot of understanding, a …
10 Tips for Couples Praying Together
“Bless you both,” I heard as my husband, Dave, and I opened our eyes after praying over our dinner in the Seattle airport food court. I looked up to see an elderly gentleman and his wife beaming at us from the next table. Instantly, we had something in common—God! When Dave and I acknowledged the husband’s comment, his wife gleefully added, “And I said to my husband, ‘Look they’re holding hands while they pray!’”. As we chatted with the couple, we learned that they were from Canada and waiting to board a plane to Orange County, our former home. I …
Marriage and Our Young Adults
Do you pray for and about your child’s future spouse? Many of us do. A couple of my children are moving into the young adult phase and a few of their friends have married. I wonder who will be my kids’ husband or wife or… if one of them will be blessed with singleness like the apostle Paul. Many young people are delaying marriage and are not meeting their mate in high school or college. According to an article in the Huffington Post the average age for first time weddings for men is 28.7 and the average age for a woman is …
A Flying Carpet for Two … or More
Last week we heard from awesome dads as we prepared to celebrate Father’s Day. Let’s hear it for the Daddies! Becoming a father brings a pick up truck load of transitions for a man. In about as long as it takes for a season of Duck Dynasty to unfold, a daddy-to-be may watch helplessly as his lover is stolen away by a fuzzy cheeked bundle who melts his own heart and steals that of his bride. What’s a dad to do? One of the best gifts a mother can give her child is to love her little one’s father well. …
Mother’s Day and Leukemia
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia hit the Mayer family full force on September 26th, 2012. Daniel, the youngest of four boys and only four years old, is in the battle for his life. Submerged under the unrelenting vice of suffering, how does a mom walk this road with her family? Here are some answers from his sweet momma Kelly: How did Leukemia impact your Mother’s Day? Leukemia really affected Mother’s Day this year but in a fairly roundabout way. I guess “strain” is the best way to say it. Leukemia puts a big “strain” on everything and everyone. Relationships within our family …
The Suffocating Wake of Porn
The day my husband’s struggle with porn came to light, a new, unwanted battle twisted to life inside me. The wicked pictures that once held my husband hostage now try to shove me under their suffocating wake. Each moment of the day painful reminders of my husband’s unfaithfulness surface through: Billboards along the roads flaunting airbrushed bodies causing my heart and stomach to sink. Living room- turned harsh environment- as I tensely wait for the next perfect body flashed at just the right angle (over and over) on our family TV making my skin crawl. Church services… I learned years …
The Magnet Syndrome!
My husband is constantly coming up to me asking, “What are you doing?” He said he can’t stay away—he’s drawn to me like a magnet.—Mariann Dear God, When we were first married, Dave literally followed me around the house wanting to do everything with me. He didn’t have any friends or interests beside his job, golf, and me. We quickly remedied that dilemma by finding him friends, serving at church, and starting guitar lessons—the guitar eventually fell by the wayside. Now that he’s retired and home 24/7, I’m reliving those early years: it seems like every time I turn around, …
A Wife’s Greatest Call
Ever been mad at your man? Feeling frustrated in your marriage? I often tell women that much of my “wifehood” has been spent on my knees for my man. He’s a man who is passionate about God and about reaching this generation for Christ. He sees the big picture and is fervent about seeing people discipled and the church not only loving each other, but also escaping the Christian bubble and being the church in the community, as well. I, admittedly, am one blessed woman and I love my man with all my heart! My role as his wife didn’t …