Let’s face it, when it comes to motherhood, we’re clueless–but we THINK we know everything. The moment that stick turns up two lines to show a positive, we suddenly are knowledgeable about being pregnant, giving birth, and caring for an infant. Most of us inhale books, some sit back, relax and say, “Let the good times roll,” while others are on their knees praying for divine intuition about motherhood. But in most of these versions of mom’s I’ve seen, we act as if we know it all. If you ask me, giving birth (my youngest was over 10 pounds, so …
Season of Growing
A walk to my mailbox yesterday revealed a rose about to bloom. A clematis vine winds its way up the porch, hanging with purple blossoms. Even the fungus on the stump has gone from espresso cup to soup bowl size in a matter of days. If growth is the symphony of springtime, our children take center stage. It’s time for mommies everywhere to set aside their ironing baskets, resist spring cleaning, and turn off technology in favor of embracing this season of growth with our children. Including these 7 essential ingredients in your spring will help you make the …
5 Simple Steps To Defuse The Angry Mommy Syndrome
I’ve been really struggling with, anger. It comes in all shapes and sizes in my home. Yelling, testy remarks, impatience, careless words, agitation, and more. Yes, I am the mom that yells, raises her voice, tells her kids to hurry up, and says unkind things to her husband. Not all the time, however there are days when silly little things just rattle me and get under my skin. I don’t want to be this woman anymore and it’s time to move forward with God walking along side me to change it. I couldn’t believe I wasn’t the only one willing …
Perfect Counsel
By Featured Guest: Lisa Buffaloe “Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:14-16 (ESV) Our college-aged son stopped by my study. Worry seemed to crease his forehead as he sat in the …
I Will Carry You
Lightning pain coursed through my abdomen. I was nearing my 5th abdominal surgery in four years. Like the pinball in a pinball machine, I bounced from doctor to doctor trying to find the answer to my mystery illness. Some mornings, the only thing I could pray was “Jesus help me” as I doubled over on the floor. “Was I dying?” “Did I have a hidden cancer they couldn’t find?” “What was wrong with me?” It was a parched, lonely season, one of unrelenting isolation. I so desperately needed a friend who understood my pain. I remember a day when I …
A Mother’s Heart…An Intimate Moment with Mary
She stands at a distance. The sight before her pierces her heart as if thrust in by a javelin. Her puffy eyes sting with tears, blurring her vision. Deep sobs heave her chest as her heart pounds in agony. The crowd jostles her, oblivious to her obvious pain, a pain so deep that no mother on earth will ever feel again. What brings her to this gruesome sight? A mother’s love. My son, she cries. Her name is Mary and her son is being crucified. Naked, exposed. Blood trickles down His face from the open wounds in His head when …
How to Mother in the Spirit
“Jesus I can’t do this,” my whisper barely reaches my own ears. “Help me. I need you.” “Mommy what are you saying?” “Now you listen,” I think to myself. “I’m just asking Jesus to help me,” I reply to her question. “Are you mad at us?” She looks at her siblings. “Is she intentionally trying to knock me off the edge?” I wonder as I formulate my answer. “No sweetie, but I am frustrated at how things have gone today. Mostly I am frustrated with myself and I need Jesus to help me.” Saying those words out loud knocked something …
Five Ways to Impact Your Children & Grandchildren with the Message of Easter
By Featured Guest: Kathy Howard Rich memories of childhood Easters keep popping up in my mind. I can still feel the cold metal of the folding chair as I sat with my family in the church parking lot waiting for the first rays of the sun to make their appearance. And with the sun, the somber notes of “low in the grave He lay…” became the joyous thunder of “up from the grave He arose (He arose), with a mighty triumph o’er His foes.” After prayer and singing, everyone escaped the chilly air and enjoyed pancakes and sausage in …
Raising a Reader
3 steps to foster a love of books starting from birth! “What can I do now to prepare my children to succeed in school?” I’m often asked when I speak to MOPS groups. In this age of computerized everything, my low-tech answer raises eyebrows. “Books and reading…followed by more books and more reading…and after that, even more books and even more reading!” is my standard reply. Thanks to Jim Trelease’s Read Aloud Handbook (http://www.trelease-on-reading.com/), Daniel and I became fanatical about Family Reading Time when our kids were just 2 and 4. We quit watching TV and spent 1-2 hours per …
When parenting means… having a gentle answer
Some days, parenting is hard. That was my exhausted thought as I drove my daughter home from swim team one night. The whole day had been a battle. I can’t even remember as I write this what the issues were, but it just seemed like everything was a challenge that day. Maybe it was because we had a busy schedule and I was being impatient. Or maybe it was because she’s a pre-teen and she’s becoming more independent. Whatever the reason, I was frustrated. She was mad. And it was one of those days. There we were, driving along on …