Fighting Teacher Trouble with the PTA

I hope you won’t have teacher trouble this year, but you might. The first conversations of the school year may come after looking at the class lists on school windows, opening mail, or signing up online. You and your kids might discover you’re assigned a teacher or coach you dread. Sweet mama-friend, you may be in for “teacher trouble.” Moms do their best to be positive and patient, letting the new school year get going, but we still might find we’re in for trouble. How can we take action and be godly at the same time? PRAY through teacher trouble …


Something You Might Just Need to Remember Today

  Hey sweet mom, ministry leader and mentor! You might have had a rough week. Maybe you felt like you were completely unappreciated, yet you’ve given everything you’ve got. Perhaps you aren’t sure how you’re going to take another step, wish you could catch your breath, or at least take a long hot shower without being bombarded by the kiddos asking you what’s for lunch. Today, you might just need to remember… You are BRAVER than you believe, and STRONGER than you seem,  And SMARTER thank you think. Christopher Robin thought that about Pooh. And I know that to be true …


Are YOU Ready for School Yet?

Hey… sweet mom! Yeah… you!  The one who knows it’s back-to-school time for the kiddos but hasn’t even had a chance to enjoy the summer yet… The mom who can’t seem to find the bottom of the dirty clothes pile, figure out what’s for dinner tonight, is stressed out by her toddler’s temper tantrums and feels like the trip to the grocery store without kids is a vacation. Are you looking for a little relief? Wondering if anyone else ‘gets’ you and understands what you are going through and how you feel? You are the object of our prayers and the …


Dare to Dream (and just start)

I tried writing my first book before I even called myself a writer. It was a “closet” project that I told almost nobody about. The book was titled Waking Up and, in it, I outlined ten steps on how to live a happier, more fulfilled life. But when I got to page thirty, it fizzled. I simply ran out of things to say. (No surprise. I was about 23 at the time and didn’t have a lot of life experience.) But that seed to write—a seed that was with me as a young girl and forgotten as I grew up and headed …


Caring for Your Own Mom

Have you ever wondered what it might be like when your role as a daughter gets reversed and you become the parent to your mother? I didn’t give it much thought until I was suddenly faced with an ailing mother who needed full-time care. Most of my friends and family assumed that she would move into a nursing home facility. But, I knew God had quite a different plan for our family. Ever wondered what it might be like when your role as a daughter gets reversed & you become the parent to your mother? Click To Tweet I felt the constant …


An Open Letter to Those Who Are Thinking About Having an Affair

  Before we get started in talking about today’s tough topic, I want to announce the winner of The Cure for a “Perfect” Life by Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory. AND THE WINNER IS….. AUBREY M. CONGRATULATIONS AUBREY!! (Aubrey, please email us at and let us know where we can send your book!)   Today, I’m writing an open letter to those who are thinking about having an affair… because if you are even considering it, my prayer is this post will stop you dead in your tracks. You see, you only get one life to live to be …


The Million Dollar Question

  If you’re a parent, it’s only a matter of time before you ask your husband or your girlfriend, or your mailman the million dollar question: Why do our kids fight so much? Why? This million dollar question often rears its ugly head after visiting a friend whose children love each other so much they finish each other’s sentences. Her children seem so happy together, like Prozac-happy and you just don’t get it. You begin to ask yourself, Why does (Insert friend’s name here.)  kids like each other? Why do her children share toys and talk to each other sweetly …


Forgiveness is a Choice of the Heart

“Be gentle and ready to forgive; never hold grudges. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” Col. 3:13 TLB Forgive? How do you forgive the one who… * sabotaged your husband’s business. * introduced your child to drugs or alcohol. * stole your identity, leaving you with a financial mess. * abused you sexually as a child or did so to your child. * lured your teenager from the internet into running away. * kidnapped your child and sold him/her for sex trafficking. * drove down the wrong side of the expressway at night in a drunken …


How to Easily Teach Foundational Truths of the Christian Faith

  “Mom, who made me? Why did God make me? What does it mean to glorify God?”   Is there an easy way to break down and teach the foundational, basic truths of the Christian faith to our children?   Yes, there is! I pray this post will make this intimidating task easy for you! The Bible reminds us in 2 Timothy 3:15  eternal fruit will be produced from our parenting responsibility: “…from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” (NASB) Let …


Praying for Your Prodigal – Desperate Cries from the Hearts of Desperate Moms

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:14 I remember when we were on the mission field and we were struggling with some issues in our family. I looked at my husband and said, “I will not win a nation and lose my own son!” No matter how successful I am in life, if my children do not walk with God, I will feel as though I failed in the most important role I’ve ever been given…the role of a mother. I realize that our job is to raise them …
