Infertility. About one in six women are dealing with infertility. It is isolating, confusing, painful, and can rock the faith of its sufferer. And those on the outside looking in, well they want to help, but don’t know how. Awkward silences and taboo topics strain relationships. How do you mentor or be a friend to someone dealing with infertility? Be there for them. One of the best things a friend said to me was, “I don’t understand what you are going through, but I am here for you.” And she was. She went to doctors appointments with me, prayed with …
Dancing with Nana
By Guest: Michelle Lazurek “Nana, do you know how to dance?” At age seven, I longed to glide gracefully across a dance floor and envisioned myself doing so in a long, flowing dress. She chuckled to herself and answered, “We moved a little differently than you kids do today, but all dancing begins with a few basic steps.” “Can you show me? Please?” I knew Nana, one of the most important people in my life, would never refuse my request. Because she lived in the adjacent house, I spent more time with her than just about anyone. I …
5 Types of Mentees That Drive Mentors Crazy & 1 MORE GIVEAWAY & SIGN UP to LEAD A M.O.M. INITIATIVE MENTOR GROUP
We had a GREAT TIME with Lisa Shaw on her radio show, The Whole Woman, yesterday! If you weren’t able to join us, you can click the link, pop over and take a listen now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND THE WINNERS OF YESTERDAY’S GIVEAWAYS ARE… Understanding What Matters Most by Stephanie Shott ~ Jenn $50 gift card to Artfire shop ~( ~ Rebecca (a new email subscriber) AND DON’T FORGET… OVERWHELMED is NOW available for ALL subscribers! BUT you can also SIGN UP to START a M.O.M. INITIATIVE MENTOR GROUP IN YOUR AREA. CLICK HERE and let THE MENTORING BEGIN! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND…HERE IS TODAY’S GIVEAWAY… (ENTER TO WIN TODAY’S GIVEAWAY BY …
5 Types of Mentors That Drive Mentees Crazy & 2 MORE GIVEAWAYS & SIGN UP to LEAD A M.O.M. INITIATIVE MENTOR GROUP
TODAY at 11 a.m, six of the M.O.M.s from the The M.O.M. Initiative team will be on Lisa Shaw’s Radio Show, The Whole Woman!!! We all LOVE Lisa Shaw… founder and host of The Whole Woman! PLEASE JOIN US at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND THE WINNERS OF YESTERDAY’S GIVEAWAYS ARE… Just Too Busy PLUS the Leader’s Guide by Joanne Kraft ~ Teri Lynn Hatcher Making Money from Home by Donna Partow ~ Melinda T AND DON’T FORGET… OVERWHELMED is NOW available for ALL subscribers! BUT you can also SIGN UP to START a M.O.M. INITIATIVE MENTOR GROUP IN YOUR AREA. CLICK HERE and let THE MENTORING BEGIN! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND…HERE ARE TODAY’S GIVEAWAYS… …
Begin a M.O.M. Initiative Mentor Group In Your Area
YOU CAN GET OVERWHELMED FREE BY SUBSCRIBING TO OUR WEBSITE. IT’S OUR GIFT TO YOU…THE OVERWHELMED MOM. But it is also our gift to the body of Christ in our quest to help the church of the Living God make mentoring intentionally missional. You can join others around the world and begin A M.O.M. Initiative Mentor Group in your area and use Overwhelmed as a FREE resource to mentor another mother. NOW, more than ever, moms need mentoring mommas who are willing to share the gift of themselves! JOIN THE REVOLUTION OF WOMEN WHO ARE READY AND WILLING TO …
Help Lead an OVERWHELMED Study & Begin a M.O.M. Initiative Group In Your Church or Ministry
The emails keep coming… “I would love, love, love to be a mentor! How do I go about it?” I would like to know how I can go about signing up for a mentor. I am a single mom and would love to have a mentor. “Do you have groups that meet in churches and if so how would we go about opening ours to do that?” “What an amazing, wonderful, idea I sure wish something like this had been around when I younger. I am a grandma to 10 and mother to 4. Please let me know what I do next. God bless you …
Cold Coffee
I poured the steaming dark brown liquid into my mug. Then I stirred in cool cream until it turned caramel in color. I smiled as I sniffed the aroma of sweet cream and coffee. I lifted my favorite mug to my lips. “MOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYY!” I quickly dropped my mug and ran toward the sound. “Mommy!” “Yes?!” I bellowed as my heart beat wildly half from fear half from running up the stairs. “Can you help me brush my hair?” A sigh escaped my lips and my mind drifted back to my coffee. “OK, but next time find me and ask me …
Preparing Your Child’s Heart for Christmas
by Debbie Taylor Williams I will never forget when I was a child and my Sunday School teacher challenged my class to memorize the Christmas story found in Luke 2:1-14. What seemed a daunting task became manageable as my mother helped me memorize one small section at a time. “And it came to pass” “in those days” “there went …
5 Myths About Mentors – Myth #2 Mentors Are Old Women Who Meet With Young Women at Church
“The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things—that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to bediscreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.” Titus 2:3-5 Mentoring. It’s what we are called to. We, meaning the church. But could it be that our affinity for attending ‘church’ in big buildings with convenient classrooms has confused what biblical mentoring is at its best? When I was a young mom, a whirlwind of activity …
10 Ways to Make Mentor Mania Missional
There’s something stirring in the hearts of women around the world. Hearts are beating with the thrill of changing the world and young women are no longer satisfied with doing motherhood alone. Mentors are on the march and mentees are once again ready, willing and able to begin a journey that will encourage, challenge and change women’s lives on both side the mentor/mentee equation. No longer are young mothers wandering their way through life, struggling to figure things out on their own. The older generation is rising to the challenge and answering the call to be Titus 2 women in …