Whooohooo! We have some exciting news for all of you! In January, M.O.M. Groups are launching online and across the globe…AND, we are accepting applications for NEW M.O.M. GROUP LEADERS and NEW M.O.M. GROUP REPRESENTATIVES/SPEAKERS! AND…we are working on a date to hold a training webinar for all who join! If you have been trying to begin or expand a mentoring ministry in your CHURCH and/or COMMUNITY, or on the MISSION FIELD, The M.O.M. Initiative is here to help you do just that! If you’re a mom who is looking for a mentor, that means more M.O.M. Groups are coming …
5 Things I Want My Kids to Know
Before we get started, I’m excited to announce the winner of yesterday’s giveaway of MAGNETIC by Lynn Cowell. DRUM ROLL PLEASE……… And the winner is – Micah Day! Congratulations Micah! You’ll be receiving an email with info about how to receive you book! SUPER EXCITED for you! —————————————————————– My momma used to say, “Hind sight is 20/20.” But I never really understood what that meant until I was old enough to look back and discover that time is like a really good teacher that showed up to give you all the answers after you already graduated. Looking in the …
When More Is NOT Enough: How to Stop Giving Your Kids What They Want and Give Them What They Need
I have a confession to make, I knew I would like Amy Sullivan’s book before I read it. This is because God sent me half way around the world in March to build houses in the Philippines. Before I even knew about the missions trip, my heart was already being plowed for the seeds of servitude. Like you, I had my handsome, hardworking husband, a cute little house with a hefty mortgage, two decent cars, three awesome kids, and a career in news casting–and did I mention two cute, albeit naughty little dogs? Life was bliss–or so I thought. Something …
10 Things EVERY Mentor Needs to Know
Are you a mentor? Thinking about it? Or maybe you’re a ministry leader who wants to weave mentoring into the fabric of your church or ministry but aren’t sure how? I know mentoring is often awkward and sometimes intimidating. That’s why The M.O.M. Initiative has done everything we can to make it easy peasy for you, your women’s ministry team and ministry organizations to mentor moms inside the four walls of the church as well as in para-ministries, organizations and in your community. Each ministry leader and mentoring momma who is courageous enough to step outside of her own world …
Are You a ‘Steel Vault’ Kind of Mentor?
We all need someone we can trust…the kind of friend who has our back and who knows our secrets, yet treats them as if they are their own. We all need someone like that in our lives. And we all need to be someone like that for others. Mentoring is a mixed bag. It comes with the joy of walking through life with others, but it also comes with the responsibility of guarding those relationships and stories others share with you well. Recently, I’ve had several conversations with women who were walking through a painful place or facing difficult challenges. …
Finding Quiet in Our “Everything is Awesome*” World
In our dazzling million dollar budget animated everything is awesome sensory overloaded world… it is hard to think…to pause…to find quiet. Daily life now resembles the rapid fire visuals seen on huge 3D movie screens which dash at us so fast… we don’t pause… to calculate… to consider… The overwhelming roller-coaster of clamorous non-stop information penetrates our minds and splits our thinking…while silently shaping who we are… from the inside out. Our souls starve for quiet reflection amid the pounding chaos. For uninterrupted thoughts. For deep truth. When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on the …
Detour – Teenage Motherhood – How to Survive (sneak peek of Better Together Session)
This wasn’t the part of the plan. You and your daughter were planning for high school graduation, but now you’re trying to get used to the idea that she is going to be a mother. You’re both trying to sync schedules around baby. How exactly will she do this mom thing and how do you help her? It happened to me. One day I was cheerleading for the football team and the next–I was fighting with my mom, feeling oh-so tired and scared as I held a positive pregnancy test in my hands. What did my future look …
45 Workshops for You & Enter to Win 2 FREE TICKETS to BETTER TOGETHER
Thirteen women from the M.O.M. team met last March and prayed over the conference that would soon be called, BETTER TOGETHER. We prayed over if, when, where, and how we would hold a conference that would meet women in every stage of life – in every season – to meet every woman right where she was. We prayed over each of you and sought the face of God for the heart of each woman who He leads to come. YOU have been the object of our prayers and the purpose of our plans ever since the day we lay prostrate …
Why Hundreds of Women LIKE YOU Have Registered for BETTER TOGETHER
Recently, we polled several women and asked them why they were so excited about going to BETTER TOGETHER. This is what a few of them said… Because I really just need to get away with my friends and hang out together. Because I really want to be with other women and grow closer to the Lord. Because I really NEED help in some areas and you have workshops that I really want to go to. Because I need some practical advice about being a mom. I like the workshops. They are always very helpful and practical. I’m a ministry leader …
How YOU Can Reach Out to Moms
You ladies know we are all about mentoring mommas here at The M.O.M. Initiative and as we are getting ready to launch our primary mentoring book for moms (The Making of a Mom), and M.O.M. Groups are springing up across the globe for the August launch of NEW groups using The Making of a Mom, and as our conference, BETTER TOGETHER, approaches… we’ve got a GREAT OUTREACH PLAN to HELP YOU REACH OUT TO MOMS in YOUR COMMUNITY! Would you take a few minutes and watch the video below. If you can’t view it in your browser, please click this …