I Have Hope

“My soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,  for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:21-23 It was quiet, too quiet.  All the rush of people in and out of the room the days before had all come to an end. The darkness, even the newborn bed that was made specifically to be lit up and warm was completely dark and still. My eyes went back to the unlit lamp over my son’s …


Abide in Me

When I am asked, “How many children do you have?” I don’t know how to respond. “Three,” I answer, while I finish the sentence in my head, “…here with me and one in Heaven.” I will never forget my daughter, Rachel Faith, even if the only life she experienced was in the womb. She is always with me. As beautiful as she was at birth and at death, those images are not what flutter through my mind. I imagine her dancing with her sister. I twirl her dark curls. I embrace her, though she’s not physically here. Rachel died at …


Recalls Moms Should Know About

The M.O.M. Initiative loves y’all like crazy and we want to offer information to help you in your journey. Today we want to share with you some current recalls that you may or may not be aware of. Recalls may seem silly to some but they arm moms with information they may need to protect their children. So, here are some current recalls: Lakeshore Feels Real Baby Dolls On 2012-03-27, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced a recall on Lakeshore Feels Real Baby Dolls due to a potential choking hazard. This product sold new beginning in May 2011 for approximately $20. About …


Preventing Picky Eaters

  Is it really possible to raise children who aren’t picky eaters? Are there any tips to make mealtime a healthy haven of eating pleasure? It’s a dilemma most moms deal with at some time or another. The journey to healthy kids who eat healthy food and make mealtime more relaxing and less contentious begins before they are ever born and their propensity to prefer healthy foods over junk food is nurtured throughout their childhood. So, how can we prevent picky eaters… Begin in the womb and while you breastfeed. While your sweet little bundle of joy is developing within …


Rockabye Baby

Newborn babies sleep a lot. But they wake up a lot too…especially during the first six months. New moms who often describe their nights as sleepless and their days as long may be able to get some much needed rest if they try to implement the following five tips. 1. BE CONSISTENT – Consistency is the number one key to almost every area of development for your little one. In our crazy, busy, non-scheduled world it’s important to know babies thrive on schedules. You may not be used to watching the clock and keeping a dairy of your day, but …


Breastfeeding Basics

Although we know breast milk is best, breastfeeding isn’t always possible. And for some, it’s even a little scary. It’s normal to feel a bit anxious about breastfeeding – especially if it’s your first time. But as we look at the basics of breastfeeding it may just help you understand it better and fear it less. It’s really very natural. The God of all creation equipped babies with rooting and sucking instincts as well as an appetite for mommy’s milk. That very same God also gave women mammary glands to produce the milk their sweet little bundle of joy needs. …
