3 Things a Mom Must Do to Find Balance

We all know pictures can tell a thousand words, but this one just jumped off the page as if to say, “This is your life.” Here in my hometown the circus comes around every January and puts on the greatest show on earth. Everything from contortionists to clowns to wild animal acts to magic shows. But the ones that capture my attention more than anything else are those that require balance. The trapeze, high wire, plate spinning and juggling acts were mesmerizing. How could they possibly sit on a chair perched on a rope while balancing a canoe on their …


What Mom’s Do Right: Raising godly children

We all have those proud mom moments when our children surprise us and make us look like the mom of the year. You know… that rare family dinner out where all of the kids display their best table manners with no whining or crying and they remember the magic words …  “please” and “thank you” and the waitress and the table of elderly ladies behind you congratulate you on how well-behaved your children are. And your chest swells with pride as your imagination plays a movie of the Mom’s Choice Awards and they call your name. Your children jump to …


How a Single Mom Accomplishes the Impossible

  Wendy Hirschfeld is a single mom accomplishing the impossible. Beautiful fields, grazing farm animals and a tight-knit family surrounded Wendy as she grew up in Nebraska. Emmitt, on the other hand, struggled to survive amid the drug laden streets of Chicago.  Emmitt’s father was robbed from him through carbon monoxide poisoning when he was only 8, and was left to survive with his drug addicted mom.   Emmitt’s family eventually drifted to a shelter in Omaha, Nebraska while he attended middle school.  While there, his birth mom abandoned him… Emmitt had absolutely nowhere to go. Until Wendy took him as her …


Getting to the Heart of Obedience

Our “With LOVE from MOM” week is here, and today parenting expert and MOM Mentor shares the BEST MOM TIP EVER!  TODAY’S GIVEAWAY IS…  The Making of a Mom by Stephanie Shott The Making of a Mom is an all-in-one resource that is written TO moms yet FOR ministry leaders. A heart to heart mentoring resource that gives moms 12 key foundations to biblical motherhood with practical help for their everyday journey.  The Making of a Mom also gives ministry leaders everything they need to enhance or begin a Titus 2 ministry in their church, ministry or community. Complete with questions …


How to Grow Your Dreams Along With Your Kids

Our “With LOVE from MOM” week is here and today, one of our parenting expert and MOM Mentors shares the BEST MOM TIP EVER!  TODAY’S GIVEAWAY IS…  Mothering from Scratch by Melinda Means and Kathy Helgemo Full of solid biblical truth, this book will help you… · explore your personality and examine your strengths and weaknesses in order to find what works for you · tap into the resources surrounding you and get mentoring and support from other moms · push past the fear of change or doing it wrong and allow room for grace in your mothering COMMENT and SHARE YOUR …


When You Want to Teach Your Daughters What Guys Really Want – Video by Lynn Cowell

Our “With LOVE from MOM” week is here and today, parenting expert and MOM Mentor shares the BEST MOM TIP EVER! TODAY’S GIVEAWAY IS… Magnetic by Lynn Cowell COMMENT and SHARE YOUR BIGGEST STRUGGLE or YOU BEST MOM ADVICE for a CHANCE to WIN ONE of TODAY’S GIVEAWAYS! WINNERS of EACH GIVEAWAY THIS WEEK WILL BE ANNOUNCED in SUNDAY’S POST!  Do you wonder how to teach your daughters about what guys really want? Watch this! Do you wonder how to teach your daughters about what guys really want? Watch this! Click To Tweet   If you can’t view this in your reader, please …


Failure to Communicate: Turning Miscommunication into Communication With Your Kids

   I asked Siri a question. I am not sure why since even my kids believe Siri hates me. She doesn’t seem to know what I am asking her and even when she says she understands me her answer doesn’t make sense. Here is an example: I wanted to chunk my phone across the room. As a mom, sometimes I feel like this when I am talking to my children. I may say, “Go clean your room.” Yet somehow they hear, “Go play with your toys.” But often our miscommunications are of the deeper sort. I want to be available …


How to Set Curfews for Teenagers

There’s no greater DoAhead on the planet than raising good kids. It can feel like a daunting task when they are little but sometimes it can feel impossible when they become teens. One such example has to do with weekend recreation. You know the drill. It’s a Friday night and your beyond exhausted waiting for your teen to get home. Oh, it’s not that you have a bad kid. It’s just part of parenting teens. Years ago a mother who mentored me told me that there are two seasons in which a parent becomes sleep deprived. The first season is when the …


10 Safety Precautions for New Parents

With all of the information we receive related to disease, safety standards, defects, and science, it’s hard not to succumb to the virus of paranoid parenting. Ten minutes scanning Facebook can leave us hyperventilating over the latest stomach bugs, unexplained illnesses, and freak accidents. No mom wants to end up as a featured story on Dateline or 20/20 as the parent who wasn’t careful. What perspective do we need to be responsible, but relaxed, in caring for the treasure of our children? Safety is all about being thoughtful and practical. Be THOUGHTFUL Structure of baby’s home: Is the paint safe? Are …
