This is the start of a new generation of teenagers. Teens that are joy-filled, God-focused and loving life. Wouldn’t that be awesome? It can happen. Think 4:8 – 40 Days to a Joy-Filled Life for Teens (based on Philippians 4:8) launched this week in bookstores all over the country and online. In fact, Amazon is running a promotional deal of only $5.99 per book! I had the privilege of writing this book with Tommy Newberry and we both agree that because of the target audience, this could be the most important project we’ve worked on. You don’t have to have …
When Pit Shaving is NOT Optional: 12 Tips to Clean Eating for Busy Families
The conversations at our dinner table go something like this. “What is it?” (all three kids are eyeballing the food as if it came from mars and poke it with forks to ensure it is actually dead). Me: “It’s food. Eat it.” Elijah: “MOOOM what IS it?” Me: “It Millet Loaf, created with love. Cheyenne (She needs to go to Junk Food Anonymous): “Can’t we just have normal food for once?” Me: “Sure, we can have processed food that fills your arties with plaque, sets you up for cancer and diabetes. No problem. Maybe it will make y’all lethargic and …
To the Mom Who is Barely Hanging On
When I was a young girl, all I wanted to be when I grew up was a mom. While my friends were making plans to have a career or be someone famous, I day dreamed of being a mom and what my family would look like. We would have the perfect house complete with a white picket fence. I would drive a minivan and volunteer for local charities. I would greet my husband at the door every evening with a kiss after his long hard day at work. I would have a girl and a boy (because isn’t …
How to Start an Advice Sharing, But Not Preaching, Conversation
There is a painful reoccurring story; you’ve probably heard it too. Good girl falls for bad guy. I can’t tell you how many times I have received prayer requests from moms, broken-hearted over their daughter’s new boyfriend. The type of guy she had always taught her girl not to go for. And her daughter agreed…for a long time; or at least it seemed like a long time to the girl. Then the waiting for the godly type of guy got too long…and she went for what was going for her. With two daughters now 18 and 16, not to mention a son who is …
Does Your Child’s Free Time Turn into Screen Time?
By Guest: Arlene Pellicane Picture this: the kids are done with school for the day – homework included. They have some free time. What happens next in the real world of your home? If you are like many other families today, your child will start playing video games, engage with a computer screen, or watch television. According to a Kaiser Family Foundation national survey, 8-18 year olds devote an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes to using some form of entertainment media every day. And because they spend much of that time multitasking with more than one screen open at …
When School Steals Your Precious Child
Last week, my elder daughter started first grade. She was excited to return to school, friends, homework and recess—and I’m proud to say I took it all in stride. Unlike last year. One peek across the hallway to the kindergarten room reminded me that moms all across the country are dropping their babies off at school for the first time, and struggling to let go. If that’s you this time of year—whether you’re releasing your precious ones to kindergarten, preschool, college or anywhere in between—I want to offer this story as a bit of encouragement for your aching heart. The …
Lunchbox Love Notes For Your Kids
It’s that time again. The kids are back in school and with that our mommy calendars immediately start to fill up. New routines. New bed times. New nightly stress about homework and even after school activities. Oh how I love the smell of a freshly sharpened number two pencil (no really, I do) and also dislike all the anxiousness that surrounds the back to school season. Did we get all the supplies on the class lists? Are we going to miss the bus? What about classes, did they get the classes they needed or the teachers we wanted? Breathe in …
The Danger of Not Seeing the Cucumber for the Leaves
Gently lifting the green leaves, I searched among the vines for a cucumber. Again I was disappointed. My gardening attempts had begun in the spring after enjoying a salad from my sister-in-law’s garden. I had known Loes gardened, but the idea of weeding and watering weren’t my thing. That is, until I ate from her garden and my attitude changed. The Secret Gardener The following day, I decided to try gardening. I didn’t tell Keith. I didn’t tell Loes. I quietly went to the nursery and checked out the plants. Who knew there were so many varieties of tomatoes …
My Child Is In Prison…Now What Do I Do?
By Guest: Barbara Peavy My journey began 24 years ago when I received a telephone call that no parent wants. It was my worst nightmare come true. But instead of taking you down Memory Lane, I want to fast forward to 2013. I once again received that dreadful telephone call from my youngest son telling me that he was in “big” trouble. He has struggled with addiction on and off for years and it seems as though every time he gets out there, trouble is lurking just around the corner. Please understand, I am not using addiction as an excuse-our …
5 Back to School Tips for Your Special Needs Child
I know what you’re thinking; you’re ready to jump up and down because your kids are going to be BACK in school. While most of us haven’t forgotten Jen Hatmaker’s Worst Mom of the Year Confessions, let’s not start out the year that way, especially with your special needs kiddos! I have two, one with autism and another with severe ADHD, so here are a few tips to get your kids rocking for the year so you can relax a bit. 1. Crank it back Set bedtime back by 15 minutes every night and get them up 15 minutes earlier …