The Creepy Clown Craze and Your Child

In Menasha, Wisconsin on October 7,2016 a couple left their four-year-old child alone for the purpose of terrorizing their neighborhood with creepy clown pranks. These parents have been charged with neglect. (Click here for the story.) Creepy clowns are not just in Wisconsin. They have surfaced internationally. CNN reported parents are being asked to not allow their teens to dress up like clowns for Halloween.  I suspect with Halloween on the horizon it will only get worse. As October 31st drew nearer, I noticed an increase in bad dreams and night terrors. @themominitiativ @loriwildenberg #parenting Click To Tweet When my …


The Example of a Nursing Mother

1 Thessalonians 2:7 “But we proved to be gentle among you, as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children.” There are not many experiences that are sweeter than cradling a tiny baby in your arms and nursing her. This was one of my precious joys of motherhood, and a memory I will always keep. The bond that forms between mother and child while nursing every few hours throughout the day and late night becomes so strong you believe you would do anything to provide for and protect that child. Though not every mother has this opportunity of being …


Six Ways to Serve a New Mom

Have you ever seen that bewildered look on a new mom’s face? You know, the one where it looks as if she doesn’t know whether she is coming or going. As a postpartum doula, I have seen that look often. On the other hand, I have also seen the look of gratefulness as I come alongside a mama and provide practical help so that she may find her way through all of the new experiences motherhood brings. I love seeing that bewildered look turn into a look of confidence in her abilities to shepherd a new life. Here are some of …


4 Developmentally Appropriate Ways to Empower Your Kids

Being a mom is filled with adjustments and seasons of letting go isn’t it? Because it is, we need to encourage and empower our kids in ways that they are developmentally ready for.  Okay most of us could agree that we desire to empower our kids to be the people God created them to be, right?   So…In order to take on this task of “raising adults” there are various parenting shifts and approaches that must take place.  4 Developmentally Appropriate Ways to Empower Your Kids @themominitiativ @loriwildenberg Click To Tweet Here are 4 developmentally appropriate ways to encourage and …


15 Ways to Break Your Child’s Heart

Working with parents and kids I have seen the little ones (and older kids) totally deflate when mom or dad parents or interacts a particular way.  There are 15 arrows that always pierce the tender hearts of our kids. Let’s put these weapons down.  If you want to break your child’s heart and crush his spirit, do these 15 things:  Do these 15 things if you want to break your child’s heart.@themominitiativ @loriwildenberg #RaisingKids Click To Tweet Discipline in anger. “You are grounded for life.” Criticize rather than correct. “That’s a stupid way to solve that problem.”  Lecture rather than …

Sunday School

Kids, Costumes and Dressing Up for Sunday School

Are some battles reserved for Sunday mornings? Despite our best intentions and Saturday planning, it may seem the Enemy and all his minions move against us. It’s no wonder we give in on Sunday to what we would refuse on a weekday. While it’s still mid-week, let’s talk about kids, costumes, and sabotaging Sunday School. We don’t leave Sunday morning decisions in the back of the car. We bring them in and send them to Sunday School. Because of that, we can’t afford to hope for the best with costumes and kiddos at church. What healthy, costume-owning child hasn’t imagined …


When Motherhood Looks Different Than Planned

All my life, I’ve been a planner. When my parents would take my brother and I on a vacation, I would be the one who would pick up the travel brochures and determine where we should go, what we should eat, and how we would get there. Today, I carry a spiral bound planner with me wherever I go. Inside this notebook is my monthly calendar, my to-do list, my grocery list, and my goals for what I want to accomplish for the day, month, and year. Having a plan makes me feel like I am in control. Until I’m not. …

How to Help An Adopted Child Develop His Identity - Tips to help them wrap their identity around Christ via The Mom Initiative and Lindsey Bell

How To Help an Adopted Child Develop His or Her Identity

 Identities are important, aren’t they? They’re important for us as adults, but they’re equally as important for our children. I remember being a young child, probably about 10 or so, and waiting in line for an attraction on a family vacation. When my brothers and me got to the front of the line, an older gentleman said to us, “You three boys go on ahead.”  When he said that, I just stood there, assuming he was referring to my two brothers and my dad. But then he repeated himself. And I got it. He thought I was a boy too.  Granted, …


How to Deal with Tattling

  Do you have a little tattletale on your hands? @themominitiativ @loriwildenberg Click To Tweet Do you have a little tattletale on your hands? Is tattling driving you CRAZY? When I was teaching elementary school, I found my first grade students had the potential to be Master Tattlers. In order to get through the day, especially recess time, I needed to develop some sort of system to reduce the annoying drone of the tattle. In class, we discussed the difference between being a Reporter or being a Tattler. Once we had the definitions down, the tattling decreased. When tattling did …


5 Common Ways Parents Breed Sibling Rivalry

“My kids fight all the time!” “I can’t stand the arguing.” “I just want some peace.” Does this sound familiar? Do you want your kids to get along? Do you want your quiet back? Or even better… Do you want your kids  to be friends not foes?  Do you want your kids to be friends not foes? @loriwildenberg Click To Tweet It seems times where attention is directed toward another sibling due to a celebration, like a birthday, or another’s success can stir the pot of envy, jealousy, or discontent. Sibling rivalry is the result. Sibling rivalry is as old …
