Understanding the Gospel

“Mom, what does it mean to be saved?” asked Peter as his family left the crowded church building. His mom gazed back into his questioning eyes with her own uncertainty. All at once she realized how unprepared she was to answer this seemingly simple question about the gospel.  What does it mean to be saved from our own sin?  How can we understand our need for a Savior and the wonderful news of the gospel in order to teach our children and grandchildren? “One cannot become a Christian without understanding and embracing the basic message of the gospel.” –Dr. Mike Fabarez Today …


Lavish Grace Week 5: The Work of Grace

Welcome to Lavish Grace Week 5: The Work of Grace about Kathy Howard’s new book Lavish Grace. When we speak of grace in our lives we’re often speaking of beautiful things that make our lives peaceful, and ignore the “work” side of grace that can often give us bumps in the road. We forget that we can’t have one without the other. God uses trials to work out grace in our lives. Eight years ago my body began to betray me. I would be doing the normal stuff of life when suddenly my heart would start beating too hard, I would …


Who I’m Praying My Children Will Be Like

We often told our children we want them to be their own person… that we don’t want them to be like anyone else. But as I was perusing the people of the Bible, I realized that there were some amazing characteristics in some amazing characters of Sacred Text who I really want my sons to be like. So, for the past year or so, I’ve been praying this prayer. “Lord, make my sons… Humble like Moses Courageous like Deborah Brave like Joshua Encouraging like Barnabas  Zealous like Peter Bold like Paul Dedicated like David Yielded like Mary Determined like Nehemiah …


Hope for Try-Hard Moms

I was elbow-deep in soapsuds when my 4-year-old’s cries prompted me to drop my dishrag, abandon the breakfast dishes, and  race to the other room. Maggie had been coloring a picture, but when I reached her side, the paper lay crumpled and torn on the floor. “Honey, what’s wrong?” I asked. “I can’t color in the lines,” Maggie complained. I retrieved the wrinkled paper and smoothed it with my palm. The kitty on the coloring page looked like it had been caught in a crossfire. “See?” my preschooler said, as she rubbed the crayon furiously over the holes on the …


How to Get More Patience (or not really)

I keep hearing about this thing called patience. But I don’t know what it is. I hear some women possess it—some freaks of human nature who never had a child stick a pretzel up her nose or unwrap a whole box of pantyliners to use for doll diapers. Apparently “patience” means you don’t shoot fire out of your eyeballs when these things happen. Ha, right? Totally must be an urban legend because I’ve never met a lady like that. So to write a devo on this patience thing, well, it’s just not in my wheelhouse. No can do. Except. I …


Let’s Say Grace: Skillet Salisbury Steak Meatballs

This is one of my favorite meatball recipes. The flavor is divine. Everyone likes them – even kids! The best part is that you can prepare them ahead of time and freeze for later use. Check out this downloadable recipe by beth-bergren.   SKILLET SALISBURY STEAK MEATBALLS INGREDIENTS • 8 oz. package egg noodles • 1-pound ground beef • 1/3 cup Italian style bread crumbs • 2 Tablespoons ketchup • 2 Tablespoons mustard • 1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce • 2 large egg yolks • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste • 4 Tablespoons unsalted butter FOR THE …


A Wise Mom

I have not forgotten the days of motherhood when my girls were young. Busy, busy, busy. Schedules to keep, activities to attend, errands to run, household duties that beckoned my attention and strength needed to finish the day well. How does one find the time to seek and develop WISDOM? Proverbs 4:6-7 New Living Translation (NLT) 6 Don’t turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you.     Love her, and she will guard you. 7 Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do!     And whatever else you do, develop good judgment. Sometimes I get discouraged when I witness what the …


Prayer Help For Busy Moms

1 Timothy 2:1 “First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men…” Over and over again prayer is mentioned in the Bible as a crucial part of the Christian life. Paul in writing to his spiritual son, Timothy, reminded him of the necessity of prayer. He did not just suggest that he pray, he urged him to do so. If we are to pray earnestly for all men, then certainly we are to spend much time in prayer for our own children. But how does a busy mom find …
