By Guest: Linda Tang As a mother of two little girls, I find there are many activities that compete for our time, attention and wallets. In a culture where children are busier than adults with their activities, I find that my most treasured, connecting way to spend to spend time with my children doesn’t involve a schedule, sign-up nor strategy. There isn’t a uniform or a schedule. We don’t have to race out the door–the beginning and end times are open-ended. Often you will find a comfy chair, sofa, or your lap the best location, and sitting Indian style on …


The M.O.M. Initiative VISION

  Bridging the gap between a mother’s need for a mentor  and the church’s need for resources and support.     There’s a lot of talk about manifestos these days and you find them popping up on a multitude of websites defining a ministry or organization. Simply defined a manifesto is a declaration of intentions, motives or opinions. But rather than sharing a manifesto, we’d like to share our vision for The M.O.M. Initiative so you can get a glimpse of the heart of the ministry and what we believe God is calling us to accomplish. With The M.O.M. Initiative in its fledgling stages, …


Home – Where Laughter Fills the Air

Have you ever caught yourself telling you children to stop laughing? I remember when my boys were younger that the noise level of the laughter in our home seemed to exceed the sound barrier. Occasionally,  I would have had my hormonal noise level limit and I’d “Shhhhhh” the laughter right out of them. As I look back from an empty nest I can’t help but think I would love to hear those little laughs echoing through my halls once again. Proverbs 17:22 tells us that a cheerful or joyful heart does good like medicine.  Laughter is good for the heart, …


How Parents Support (and Sabotage) Student Success (Part III)

As parents, we want to help our children succeed in school. In my twenty-two years as a classroom teacher (twenty-one as a parent), I’ve seen parent strategies that pay big dividends. I’ve also seen well-intentioned efforts that actually cost the kids. Today is Part 3 of a series in which we explore one support strategy and one form of sabotage. (Here are links to Part 1 and Part 2.)   Support #3: Help Your Child Develop Organizational and Planning Systems One day, I came home from 4th grade in tears. I’d been assigned a “research report” on the Yokut Indians, and …


Forbidden Grief

  My children, husband and I were eager to share our lives with another brother or sister during my third pregnancy. Then without warning, our eagerness turned to devastation. Our twenty-week sonogram showed that my unborn son had Trisomy 18. We were told by all the professionals that the best thing we could do would be to terminate our pregnancy. That is when the pressure to abort began. The doctor visits and phone calls to my home were constantly persuading me to end my pregnancy.   Well meaning family members also assured me to listen to the doctors. The pressure was …


Summer Priorities

By Guest: Lyn Smith My son graduated from college over the weekend and my daughter moved home from school. So both my older kids are hanging around the house now, which I love (!), and my high schooler will be out of school in two weeks. I say that to explain why I didn’t write a blog. I intended to. I told them I needed to. But they’re so fun! And if they want to be with me, I’m available. There’s a necessary rhythm to productivity, but there’s also life and windows of opportunity. My son will eventually get married …


Just Do It!

By Guest: Lori Wildenberg Before kids – did you have a temper? I honestly didn’t think I had much of one. But…God has humbled me with my four blessings. Once I “acquired” children my false reality was shattered. I’ll admit it- I’m the not so proud owner of a temper. Parenting is the best-hardest job, filled with intense emotions. Because we are so passionate about and invested in our kids, we get annoyed and angry when they don’t do what we say. Cooperation is so much nicer than conflict. How come kids don’t get that?  Most parents are exasperated and …


4 Solid Tips For Your Summer Road Trips

I couldn’t wait as a teen for summer to be here. Oh the freedom, the road trips, the memories. Flash forward to present day, I still love spur of the moment road trips but cringe slightly at the thought of being locked in my suburban with my three kids. If you dread it too, and are looking for ways to maximize peace and fun; and minimize the potential of world war III–I’m your girl. We have family in four different states and I speak often, in which case my family sometimes travels along.  Your Summer Road Trippin’ Fun Tips Photo …



Today is Memorial Day. The day our country takes a break and celebrates. But often we forget what Memorial Day is about. Perhaps we as mothers need to remind our kids about our country’s past. We need to remember the whys behind our national holidays and pass on the whys and traditions to our kids. Here is how I talked to my kids about Memorial Day. “Why do we celebrate Memorial Day?” I asked my kids while we ate lunch. “To honor our presidents?” my nine-year-old asked. “No,” I shook my head, “but good guess.” “To celebrate Christmas,” my four-year-old …


What every child deserves…

It’s 8:45 a.m. and I pull up to my neighbor’s house for our morning carpool. My daughter hops out of the car and runs to the porch to get her friend, like usual. A few minutes pass, then instead of her and her friend *Sophie coming back out, Sophie’s mom hurries over, a worried look on her face. “Is she not coming to school?” I ask, thinking Sophie might be sick. “I can’t find her,” she says. “She went outside to look for the cat and hasn’t come back… and that was over twenty minutes ago.“ I’m immediately concerned. Just …
