Whenever I meet someone new and they discover I have seven children, often there is a gasp and “How in the world do you do that?” And then when they further discover, if time permits, that one of my children has a life-threatening illness, the question comes: “How do you cope with that?” I suppose I should first make the disclaimer that this was, and is, a growing process for me. (Oh, and the photo above was on a very busy day serving at church. 😉 ) I didn’t have seven children all at once (Whew! Go septuplet Moms!) My …
Unsung Heroes of Motherhood Series
Today’s Great Giveaways! Prime Time Together With Kids & More Prime Time Together With Kids by Donna Erickson A wonderful collection of suggestions for creative family time. It includes chapters on outdoor activities, environmental and recycling projects, and many other fun things to do for a variety of ages. Best of all, the projects use simple and inexpensive materials and are easy and fun to do The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian Bestselling author Stormie Omartian inspires women to develop a deeper relationship with their husbands by praying for them.The Power of a Praying Wife—now with a …
Celebrating Besties & Day 8 Giveaways!
Today’s Great Giveaways! Unshakeable Faith By: Kathy Howard Jesus called this ordinary man for an extraordinary purpose. Simon the fisherman would become Peter the Rock. This outspoken Galilean would lead Christ’s church, stand strong in the face of persecution, and even refuse to waver when faced with death. Unshakable Faith is an eight-session Bible study that explores the life and teachings of the Apostle Peter. Participants will be eye witnesses to Peter’s spiritual growth as God strengthens and matures his fragile faith. They will discover eight key “faith traits” God developed in Peter as he followed Christ and learned from …
Blended Families & Day 7 Giveaways
Today’s Great Giveaways! #1 – THE SENSATIONAL SCENT OF PRAYER By: Rachel Wojnarowski One year of Bible study. One summer of Bible teaching. One ebook: “The Sensational Scent of Prayer.” #2 – ECCLESIASTES: UNDERSTANDING WHAT MATTERS MOST By: Stephanie Shott It’s time to stop just thinking about eternity and begin living for it. Sit at Solomon’s feet for 6 weeks and learn how to live for eternity even when the pile of laundry seems to be blocking your view. Understanding What Matters Most-Making here and now count for then and there. #3 – Magical Mouse Schoolhouse: Learn While You Play at Disney World Resort By: Jodi …
eBabies + iTeens + YouToo: See Mommy Text & Day 6 Giveaways
Today’s Great Giveaways! 3 CD Set, Let’s Get PURSE-onal!, Personality Puzzle for Parents of Preschoolers, and Raising a Reader By: Cheri Gregory In these 3 power-packed CDs, Cheri not only helps moms be better moms by understanding themselves but she also shares the primary goal and two major needs of each Personality type so moms can understand and relate to their children better. She also presents 2 parenting DOs and 2 parenting DON’Ts for each one personality type. And in Raising a Reader, Cheri helps moms develop a love for reading in their children. Just Enough Light for the Step I’m …
How to Handle Sibling Squabbles & Day 4 Giveaway
Today’s Great Giveaways! 10 Best Decisions Every Parent Can Make By: Bill and Pam Farrel One of the greatest desires parents have is to prepare their children to transition succesfully into adult life. In this book Bill & Pam share tips and techniques from nearly 18 years of parenting that will build your children’s confidence as you help them discover the unique gifts God has put inside them. Ruby Slippers By: Jonalyn Grace Fincher Jonalyn Fincher wants to show that women can be both fully human and fully feminine. Traditionally, femininity has been a role women play, a role defined …
Being a Mom AND a Wife & Day 3 Giveaways
Today’s Great Giveaways! 31 Days to a Happy Husband By: Arlene Pellicane What does a man need most from his wife? Arlene Pellicane, author of 31 Days to a Younger You, asked numerous husbands that question. Based on their answers, Pellicane identified five keys that will give wives a new appreciation and understanding of how to love and care for their mates. Momology By: Shelly Radic In her book, Momology, author Shelly Radic, chief of Staff at MOPS International, examines 4 key elements that she believes most influence a woman’s mothering success. She refers to them as CORE (knowing and accepting …
Time with Him & Day 2 Giveaways
Today’s Great Giveaways! Mama Needs a Time Out! By: Heather Riggleman Need a time-out from your kids and a moment or two with God? Filled with mirth and encouragement, this inspirational devotional leads you through the names of God as you march through the trenches of motherhood. Generation Next Marriage By: Tricia Goyer A marriage book for today’s couples! In Generation NeXt Marriage, Tricia talks about our marriage role models, our struggles, and what we’re doing right as a generation. The book also offers creative ways to hold our marriages together. NIV Busy Mom’s Bible Packed with one-minute thought starters …
A Free New Book by The M.O.M. Initiative, 31 Giveaways and a $100 Gift Card
Today’s Great Giveaways! Got Teens? By: Pam Farrel & Jill Savage This books contains helpful information on how to: motivate teens; resources for helping them with decisions on education, guy- girl relationships, after high school options (college/career), growing with God, people and financial skills, with a special section on teens in pain or prodigals. Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World By: Joanna Weaver Weaver shows how all of us – Marys and Marthas alike – can draw closer to our Lord, deepening our devotion, strengthening our service, and doing both with less stress and greater joy. And Then I …
Tips To Gear Up Your Back To School Routine
I am counting down the days. WOOT WOOT! School will be back in session soon. This year, I will have a 7th grader in public school, a kinder-gardener and preschooler (Oh! And did I mention my handsome man will be in school too?). Three days a week, they ALL have to be out the door on time, dressed, lunches in hand, homework ready, and preferably with smiles. But the key to being efficient and getting out the door in one piece can be a little tricky.Between my mom friends here on TMI and on Her View From Home, I’m sharing my organizational …