When Martha’s Evil Twin Comes to Visit

I enjoy having friends in our home for dinner and to just hang out and visit.  About a year ago we started a tradition of having dinner with our life group friends twice a month before we started whatever study we were doing at the time. The great thing about this group is that we have been friends for around six years. They have seen it all and I don’t feel like my house or I have to look “perfect” before they arrive. This past week I decided on a simple dinner menu that didn’t require a trip to the …


What’s In Your Glass?

Moms Who Need__________ How would you fill in that blank? Whatever you put in the blank—a rest, a break, a nap, love, peace, quiet—if you fill it in with “Jesus” and His Word, He will help you with all He knows you need. We’re Moms Who Need The Lord and His Word! But I am saddened that over 650,000 moms fill in the blank, and fill-up their glasses, with “Wine.” Yes, the “Moms Who Need Wine” Facebook page has that many “likes”. They also have a website that sells T-shirts, sweatshirts, tote bags, and water bottles with their logo (picture …


Dancing with Nana

  By Guest: Michelle Lazurek   “Nana, do you know how to dance?” At age seven, I longed to glide gracefully across a dance floor and envisioned myself doing so in a long, flowing dress. She chuckled to herself and answered, “We moved a little differently than you kids do today, but all dancing begins with a few basic steps.” “Can you show me? Please?” I knew Nana, one of the most important people in my life, would never refuse my request. Because she lived in the adjacent house, I spent more time with her than just about anyone. I …


What Peter Rabbit’s Momma Can Teach Us About Parenting

My twin two year old girls love The Tale of Peter Rabbit.  I’m sure they can relate to mischievous Peter, who doesn’t listen to his mother and goes to Mr. McGregor’s garden anyway to eat carrots. Our version has the pull tabs and it is almost torn to pieces we’ve read it so much. They love finding Peter’s lost shoes and pulling the gooseberry net up and down trying to release him.  They explore the tool shed looking for Peter but only finding a ladybug, butterfly and bubble bee instead. Finally, Peter makes it out of Mr. McGregor’s garden and …


Questions Moms Ask ~ How Do You Make a Strong-Willed 2 Year Old Obey?

I get strong-willed. My youngest son was exactly that…IS exactly that. It’s part of his DNA. If your child is strong-willed, you didn’t have to wait until they turned ten to figure that out. Whether they are two, ten and in their teens, a strong-willed child is to say the least…challenging. But as you raise your precious little bundle of determination, please remember that strong-willed isn’t equal to ill-willed. A strong-willed child is not a bad child…just one who wants to have his/her way, press the envelope and think he/she is always right. One sweet mom asked, “How do you …


Mentor Minute with M.O.M. ~ Teachable Moments

Throughout the new year, The M.O.M. Initiative will be periodically sharing a Mentor Minute with M.O.M.. Sharing those teachable moments when we hear, see or experience something that can minister to moms, mentors or ministries. Today’s Mentor Minute with M.O.M. comes from a trip I took to the store and a brief conversation I overheard between a mother and her daughter. In just a few words, a sweet mom in the picture frame aisle had an opportunity to teach her children about patience, self control and stewardship. It’s a teachable moment I couldn’t help but share and give you an …


Overcoming the Mess to Make Memories

My kitchen looked like a bomb had gone off in it. That isn’t too unusual for a cook like me who refuses to wear an apron and thus walks around with flour on her clothes. However this was different. There was flour everywhere – in my hair, in my kids’ hair, in the misty cloud that hung around the mixer. Cooking with kids is always an adventure. You never know exactly how things will turn out or if the measuring cup will get bumped by the rotating beater and flip flour in the air.   Here are a few tips …


No More Perfect Moms

I longed to be the perfect mom. The one who never yelled, always dressed her kids in matching clothes and never counted to three. But I was NOT the perfect mom. When my children were young, I remember seeing those ‘perfect’ moms from afar and thinking, “WOW! I wish I was like her!” You know the ones…those moms whose kids ALWAYS behaved in public, never talked back and made straight “A’s”. The moms whose house was always clean, never had to watch their weight and never ran late for appointments. But I wasn’t. I’m not. I never will be. In …


Can I Offer You My Fish?

“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” (John 6:9) Hospitality is not my forte. I love to plan parties, decorate cakes and daydream about giving my mantel a trendy makeover—but when it comes to executing these crafty ambitions, my klutzy side takes over. I’ve always considered this a shortcoming. Until recently, when a children’s Bible story shifted my thinking. It was the well-loved tale of Jesus feeding five thousand people with one boy’s lunch. “What’s special about this story?” I asked my five-year-old daughter. “Ummm. …


By His Spirit

Lately my days have been spent mostly rocking a feverish baby, wiping snotty noses and trying to grab a few moments of sleep when I can. The winter colds have hit our house pretty hard and this Momma is tired. Even with sick kids, it is hard for me to just sit during the day.  My mind begins to go over all that I need to be doing but can’t. While I’m rocking the baby I think about the laundry that still needs to be washed or the emails I haven’t answered yet. When the baby  finally goes to sleep …
