You’re a good mom. You need to hear those words. So many times we play discouraging tapes in our heads such as: “I’ve messed up so bad.” “Why can’t I be as “together” as other moms?” “I’m a horrible mother.” “I should have taken my child to the doctor sooner.” “I should have had a teacher conference sooner.” “I should have noticed my child was behind.” “I should have….” The self condemnation can seem endless. But do yourself a favor today. Sit back. Take a load off. Look at what you are doing RIGHT! Did you wake up and greet …
When Prayer Overcomes the World
Yesterday, I walked into my women’s Bible study group with thoughts consisting of my own problems and circumstances. There is a physically-handicapped woman in our group who greeted me with a huge grin and asked me how I was doing today. I lied and told her I was fine, thank you. We sat in our chairs and as our leader began with prayer requests, this precious woman asked if we could say a prayer for the crisis going on in Midland City, Alabama. Just down the road from my house, a school bus driver named Chuck Poland was shot last …
Inspiring Stories of Adoption – Twice the Joy & MONDAY LINK UP WITH M.O.M.
Full Circle: Growing up adopted, Nancy has always had a positive perspective about adoption. “I wondered about things like my heritage, my background and if I had siblings or not, but I had a wonderful upbringing. I tell my mom she saved my life. That’s really what adoption is about” says Nancy. It’s no surprise that she and husband Mike who already had two teenage boys decided to adopt a child as well. “I always had it in my heart to adopt” Nancy explains. After attending a Steven Curtis Chapman concert and hearing that he adopted three little girls from …
Stand with Faith
“Tori-Grace, you cannot have yarn with in bed,” I said as I began snipping and rolling up fuzzy blue yarn she had tied around everything. It was strung from her dollhouse, around her toys, wrapped around curtain holders only to end with it tied around her pillow. Immediately she began bawling over the offense of tearing apart her hard work. So I gave her a choice. “Tori-Grace, either you take the yarn down or I will do it for you.” She looked up at me with her big blue eyes, behind her pink glasses before lisping, “I don’t know.” So I made …
Championship Bean Dip
It is Super Bowl time! The M.O.M. Initiative is here to help you spend more time with your family, and less time searching for “the perfect” game day recipe! Grab a few bags of tortilla chips, your slow cooker, heat up and enjoy! I make this for every get-together, everyone LOVES it! 1 can (16 ounces) refried beans, 1 cup picante sauce, 1 cup (4 ounces)shredded cheddar cheese, 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded Monterey Jack Cheese, 3/4 cup sour cream, 1 three ounce package softened cream cheese, 1 tablespoon chili powder, 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin, …
Fun Indoor February Activities for Kids and Moms
It is February and for most of us it is still cold outside. What do we do to keep our kids from going crazy? Here are some fun February activities to keep your kids from suffering boredom. Did you know February is Canned Food Month? Host a canned food drive for your neighborhood, church, school, or just your family. Have your kids help you bring the cans to a food pantry. February is Snack Food Month Are you still trying to keep your New Years resolution to eat healthier? Check out this yummy and healthy snack that …
For you, the single mom…
My husband used to travel a lot for business. Many of his trips were overseas and sometimes he was gone for two weeks at a time. Even though I’m really independent and the kids and I stayed busy while he was gone, we always missed him. And the time alone always reminded me just how much single moms do. There were days I had to get the kids to the orthodontist, then swim team, then guitar lessons, then youth group, all one after the other, and sometimes overlapping. We ran late a lot, and some days were just plain crazy. …
God Is My Refuge
Hi sweet moms, this is Steph. Recently, I was honored to read and endorse my friend, Kathy Howard‘s, new devotional, God Is My Refuge. Not long after Kathy and I met in real life, Kathy shared with me about how this particular book was really something that was pressing on her heart to write. I love seeing that God tucked that dream in her heart, made her passionate about it, and then as she was faithful to work hard, He brought it to pass. But books aren’t placed on a writer’s heart just to give them something to do. They are …
QbyUand4U: Movies and Videos + TMI Monday Link-Up!
Hey sweet moms…many of you have been asking questions and we want you to know WE HEAR YOU and WE ARE HERE FOR YOU. Here’s a recent question that was sent to us at The M.O.M. Initiative ~ “When my son goes over to his friend’s house, they let him watch movies I don’t approve of and play video games I don’t like either. I love the parents but I’m how do I tell them that he is not allowed to watch certain shows or play certain games when he’s over there?” Two weeks ago, we looked at some foundational questions …
Great Mom Quotes
I LOVE quotes from those who have gone before us! They teach us much about who we are and often prove that times may have changed, but the heart of man has not. Today, I’m sharing 15 great moms quotes to encourage your heart. Take a minute and share your favorite of the 15 or share one I don’t have on the list. If you bungle raising your children, I don’t think whatever else you do well matters very much. ~ Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to …