No More Perfect Moms Chapter 1

If you haven’t seen the first week’s video, you can check it out right here (it’s only 4 minutes long). Chapter one was a real eye opener this week, wasn’t it? Here are some questions that Jill brings up in the intro and chapter one. I would love it if you choose to comment about any of them: What did you do BK—Before Kids?  What is your story? (can include growing up, marriage, career,  spiritual journey, etc)  When is your birthday? If you could choose to spend your birthday any way you  wanted to, what would you do?  What do …


Freezer Tips: Flashing Freezing

I’m guessing if you are reading this post, you want to save money and make use of that freezer compartment. Not only will it save you money, it saves you time in the kitchen. But I bet you’re wondering how to make use of sales on produce and how to freeze them too. So let’s dive in with a few tips (Hint: print this out or pin it to your Pinterest Boards!).  The first tip is to know what is seasonal in terms of produce, then shop for the best price in mass quantities. For example, I scout strawberries because I use them …


Three Ways to Help Your Kids Choose Good Friends

Have you ever had to wipe the tears from your child’s face after someone hurt their feelings? It breaks my mamas heart when someone has been mean to my kids. I want to make the pain go away and protect their heart from ever getting hurt again. Something I’ve noticed as a mom to a teen is that once girls become friends with each other, they become fast friends; even best friends. They text each other non stop and want to hang out together all the time and have sleepovers. I enjoy watching my daughter have fun and goof off …


Rethinking Valentine’s Day

I have an issue with Valentine’s Day. As I grew up my parents gave my siblings and I candy and told us they loved us. At school I got candy and those little cards that get thrown away almost as soon as you get home. I gave them too. As I got older, I secretly wished a certain boy would send me a card that shared secret feelings. I hoped and wished, always to be disappointed. Even if I received a card from a certain boy that said something like “Be Mine” I could never be sure if he really wanted …


Connecting with their Learning Styles

A few years ago, during one of my more challenging homeschooling days with my kids, the Lord showed me a scripture verse that has stuck with me. “Then the Lord looked over all he had made and he saw that it was excellent in every way.” Genesis 1:31  I wondered, does this mean that my kids are excellent?  I have to be honest here, I really had not thought of my kids as excellent.  After all, they were making my day very difficult.  I looked at the scripture again and knew it was true, my kids were excellent.  I just …


Who’s Your First Love? And Monday LINK UP!

Before we begin today’s post, we want to announce the winner of yesterday’s giveaway that Julie Gillies is so graciously providing. PAMELA GRADY, you are the winner! Congratulations! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ February is the month of love and romance. Red and pink hearts are everywhere in honor of Valentine’s Day—the universal day for showing and sharing love. Of course, we don’t just love in the month of February—or one day a year—but it is the day we focus on finding ways to demonstrate our love. Little children certainly don’t limit their display of love to just one day! Whenever my grandkids come …


Prayers for a Woman’s Soul

You know we LOVE to share resources with you that will encourage your heart and make your ‘mom journey’ the best it can be…well today, we’re honored to share a GREAT POST by our guest, Julie Gillies who is author of the new book, Prayers for a Woman’s Soul as well as a chance to WIN A COPY OF HER BOOK by entering a comment to today’s post. The WINNER of PRAYERS FOR A WOMAN’S SOUL will be announced in tomorrow’s post. And now, without further ado…. Here is our post by our author, Julie Gillies… Don’t Stop Clinging I’d had …


No More Perfect Moms

Are you ready for the study? I am. This week we begin with chatting about this “Perfection Infection.” Jill writes,  Let’s get honest. All moms struggle.  We fall short of our own standard of excellence, which causes us to feel  insecure about being the perfect woman with the perfects kids,  perfect husband, perfect home, perfect friends, perfect marriage and perfect body….This perfection infection attacks when we compare our insides to others’ outsides.” So here is a question for you. Where do you feel the most inadequate as a mom, woman, wife? Why?  As I look back to when I first became a mother, I remember wanting to be to do it “right.” I wanted to …


Love is Not a Doormat

Doormats are handy things–dusting off the snow before entering a somewhat-clean floor, wiping off the mud from the now-melted snow, stomping your tennis shoes to get the ever-living sand out of them, especially if you live by the beach. Doormats are weathered. Doormats can be pretty and decorative–that is until the above happens and they become grubby. Doormats are lasting. We usually keep the same doormat by each door until we move, then we finally throw the things out, like old rags. Sometimes, whether it’s learned behavior, taught behavior or even caught behavior, we decide that Christians must in every …


No More Perfect Moms Online Study

Do you have the Perfection Infection? Maybe you have it and don’t even realized you’re infected. Let’s go through the check list of questions shall we? My house needs to be clean at all times. My children should be well behaved in public, in the van, and at home. I need to lose at least 10 pounds. My marriage doesn’t compare to Bard and Angelina. If I could just get my kids to behave the way my neighbor does….. If you answered yes to one or all of these questions, chances are you have a case of it. But that’s …
