5 Lessons Learned in the Emergency Room

Last week was the 3rd time we had to take our baby to the ER since January 1st.  Never have we been to the ER so many times with one child. Poor little Charlie,  he has had a very sick winter with RSV, stomach bug, respiratory infection and whatever else a baby can catch this time of year. Last week, he dislocated his elbow.  HOW?  I have no clue, but he did. Actually I did it, but don’t know how.   So, needless to say I am learning some new things thanks to all of these trips to the ER. Always take …


Counting the Cost

Lately, I have been praying over our diligence as a family.  There are so many ways God has entrusted us–with our families and helping others, whom He places on our path.  And EACH ONE really matters. So to begin being a good steward and spurring you on to being one, as well, I want to challenge you to due diligence–being faithful with little or much. Here is my old faithful method of meal planning.  This may be something for you to implement in your own home. Or perhaps, it will spark some new ideas with what you are already doing. Every …


The Real Me, Not the Airbrushed Kind (NO MORE PERFECT MOMS)

If possible, view the video first, then read on little mamas! http://youtu.be/2_S1kRI_pnA Just recently I went on air to hang out with the ladies from Good Morning Nebraska (not Good Morning America, mind you). I was invited onto the show to talk about an upcoming event at my church. Miss America 2011 is coming to town (in fact, by the time you read this, she will be gracing our stage).  As we chatted about this being a great event for girls, we got onto the subject of body image and perfection. And here’s the funny part ladies, even the world’s most beautiful women …


The Sprinkler and the Two Year Old

Our church has a wonderful group of young moms that meet once a month.  It’s a group that is led by our pastor’s wife, and a few of us “older moms” come as well. We have a morning of sharing and praying, and the older moms take turns sharing each month.  The young moms have a chance to ask questions, share concerns, share what God is teaching them, and since many of them are pregnant…most of the time there is  a lot of crying! Those pregnancy hormones take over the room, and we all sit there and cry…and then laugh …


Come Away With Me

Every week or so, I feel a strong tug on my heart, a prompting from the Lord, to COME and GET AWAY with Him for awhile.  I may be dropping my kids off at school in the morning (it may have taken 14 years, but we are finally out of the baby/toddler/preschool stage!), and I hear His voice, quietly beckoning me to come on a walk with Him. So I do!  I grab my journal and Bible (and camera!)—sometimes even buy a nice cup of coffee for the time—and I drive to a nearby park called Fox Run.  It is …


Deeper Still

I felt helpless laying flat on the table, doctors talking in hushed whispers as they hovered around me.  I gripped my husband’s quivering hand as he sat over me and sobbed.   As the ultrasound wand circled my swollen belly I felt like a lab-rat being inspected from the inside out. The pictures on the ultrasound screen spoke two different messages: one to the doctors of deformity, illness, malady, dysfunction; the other to me of a precious silhouette with hiccups, clinched fists, cute crossed legs, sweet nose. The professionals started urging me to take the “best road”, to terminate the pregnancy …


You Might Have a Strong Willed Child IF…

Do you have a strong willed child? When I was writing, The Plan A MOM in a Plan B World, I asked moms to share some of their experiences with their “strong willed” children.  Can you “feel their pain”? You Might Have A Strong Willed Child IF: It’s not your child but you who’s crying when your husband comes home from work. You threaten to throw away all his toys, and he tells you he doesn’t want them anyway. Your child insists on having the last word, even after being warned not to say another word. She weighs the consequences …


Dear God, He’s Home!

Today I birthed a baby—no not a real baby—but my seventeenth book, Dear God, He’s Home! A Woman’s Guide to Her Stay-at-Home Man, releases March 5th and the process of writing and getting a book published usually takes longer than 9 months and the labor pains go on and on…. But just like when you look into the face of your beautiful baby for the first time, when my “baby” arrived on my doorstep and I held it in my hands, all the stress of long writing days, late nights, deadlines, edits, selecting a cover and a name all faded …


Interview with Elisa Pulliam, Founder of More to Be & Monday M.O.M. LINK UP

You sweet moms know how we love to promote ministries that are focused on you moms, mentors and ministry… well, today, we have the privilege of having Elisa Pulliam with us as she shares about her mentoring ministry More to Be! Lisa is a dear friend of mine (Steph) and of The M.O.M. Initiative and her ministry is definitely a ministry that will be a blessing to you. Grab a cup of coffee and sit back and relax as you read Lisa’s interview with The M.O.M. Initiative! Can you tell us about More to Be? Absolutely! More to Be is …


I’m NOT like you

I change the sheets once a week, my mom doesn’t. Mom worked as a nurse, I stay home. I go to a Pentecostal church, my mom doesn’t. I feed my kids preservative free foods, my mom likes fast food. My 3 kids are hyper, ADHD, strong willed and one has apsergers. My mom had 6 kids and only one with special needs. My kids make mistakes and test the limits often…..not going to mention how I was as a kid.  When my kids are crabby or have an attitude, I use the “fun or no fun” rule, my mom sent us to our rooms.  …
