Finding My Voice

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I shook as I stared into her big round eyes. Anger flashed red and I yelled loud. As I looked into her startled angry eyes my anger fled.

Family Fighting

“Go to your room,” I said, my tone razor sharp.

And I knew I blew it. I messed up.

How do I correct my children when I cannot keep myself under control?

How do I expect my children to develop control and kindness when my words spew acid?

I slowly walked to her room because the hard work of a mom doesn’t end with sending children to their rooms. That is where the work begins.

As I walked I prayed. I asked God to forgive me and to give me words to say. Then I opened her door and we talked.

There I found my voice. The voice of a broken sinful mom who makes broken sinful choices in response to her children’s broken sinful actions.

And somehow between requesting forgiveness for yelling at her and a football analogy, I found the voice I lost when I yelled.

The voice of a woman who is a stumbling child of God and who God gave the responsibility to raise children.

A voice of authority because of who I am in Christ and the role of mother He gave me.

A voice of patient instruction because I desperately need God’s patient instruction in my life and so my children need mine.

A voice willing to ask questions, admit mistakes, and be still to listen to my children.

A voice willing to do the hard work so my children know they are heard, loved, appreciated, and valued.

A voice who speaks the truth in love so I can train my children up to know the Lord.

A voice that accepts and offers the grace God gives trusting Him to guide and direct it.


When anger flares and sparks in your home what have you found that helps prevent angry outbursts?

What do you do to reconcile after an angry outburst while continuing to train your child for the part he did wrong?


by Angela Mackey




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Stephanie Shott
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