Lord, what is the greatest gift I can give my children?
I prayed that prayer 27 years ago.
How did God reply to my prayer? He softly spoke to my heart, “The discipline to run to ME first thing every morning. That way I can always take care of them.”
As I continued praying, I asked, “Lord, how can I get my 3 and 5 year old want to read their Bibles every morning?” God gently spoke to my heart,
He then laid out a fun way to connect my kids to the Bible so they could grasp that God had something to say to them:
- Their Bibles opened with a yellow crayon nearby so they could color the verse in their Bible.
- A simple and fun craft
- An activity
- Crayons to print the verse in their Kidz Time book with a little help from mama 🙂
- I took their picture doing the activity and we glued it in their Kidz Time book; making it a keepsake favorite!
- Memory Verse cards we put on their bathroom mirror and then used as flash cards to practice the verse in the car
- Later, a Hero of the Faith page was added so a star could be placed beside each verse as it was completed.
Below are our children, Lauren (3) and Taylor (5); who are now 30 and 33 and who are beginning to use Kidz Time with their children!
Grandson Logan (below) is doing the same Kidz Time activities that his mama (above pic) did.
After my friends asked for copies of Kidz Time to use with their children, we now have both
Kidz Time 1: Bible Verses A-Z & Kidz Time 2: Praising God A-Z.
This summer, I encourage you to connect your children to God and His Word; not just at the occasional Vacation Bible School, but every day.
Kidz Time or some other Bible study activity can take only a few minutes to set up, but will set up your children for life to run to God and the Bible for counsel and encouragement.
Love, Debbie, www.debbietaylorwilliams.com
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