You Might Be a Ministry Leader If…

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As I stood with women surrounding me on every side at a Beth Moore simulcast, I scanned the room. It was filled with women worshipping God in unison. Raising holy hands to the Holy One and singing with a single focus on the Savior who had saved their souls.

The tears puddled up in my eyes as I wondered what God must have thought. How the beauty of women worshipping Him with once voice must have made His heart smile big time!

Events like that don’t just happen. Bible studies, conferences, luncheons, teas, MOM Groups, Titus 2 groups, and a plethora of women’s ministries are lead by ministry leaders who willingly give of themselves for the glory of God and for the good of women.

Women’s ministry runs in my veins. I love seeing women gather together, laughing together, crying together, praying together, worshipping together… and simply doing life together.

Through the years, I’ve had the blessing of watching women being Divinely stretched and slowly molded into the women God created them to be. These are women who sensed God’s calling on their lives to teach…to speak…to write…and to lead.

These are women who were afraid of what they felt God was calling them to do, yet they did it afraid. 

Perhaps you’re sensing God’s call on your life to lead, to teach, to speak, or to write but you’re also very afraid. Insecurities, feelings of inadequacy, inhibitions, and fears have a way of stopping us from stepping into our God-given destinies and fulfill God’s call on our lives.

Women’s ministry leaders come with different callings, giftedness, passions, perspectives, and direction.

Some lead ministries in the church, or organizations in the community. Some teach. Some speak. Some write. But all lead.

So… if you aren’t sure if this is what you are supposed to be doing – if you aren’t sure whether or not it’s time to put your fears and insecurities on the back-burner of your heart instead of putting your calling on the back-burner of your fears… OR perhaps you already are a ministry leader and you’ve grown weary in the work and just need a sweet reminder of the call God has placed on you life…’t’s time to look into your heart and to know that YOU MIGHT BE A MINISTRY LEADER IF…

  1. You want to make a difference in the lives of those around you.
  2. You want to be obedient to Jesus no matter the cost 
  3. You long to see other women step into their giftedness and become all God created them to be
  4. You constantly think of ways to help other women grow 
  5. You deeply care about the life of women you know and meet
  6. You love to work with other women about the things that are important to women
  7. You just can’t help but plan, organize, and think of ways to invite women in and make them feel welcome
  8. You aren’t content to sit on the sidelines any longer
  9. You aren’t threatened by the success of other women – you not only are happy for them, you cheer them on
  10. You want to change the world

I don’t know if the Lord is leading you to say “Yes” to His call to step into a leadership role. 

I know you might be afraid. Do it afraid.

I know you might feel inadequate. You are… but through Christ, you’re not.

I know you might doubts. Doubt is quenched by audacious faith.

I know you might not know what you’re doing. Say yes and just do the next thing.

I know you may not think you’re ready. Step out of the boat and trust Jesus to help you walk on water.

So, sweet friend… has God called you to lead? To teach? To write? 

Trust that God knows best what is best for you. Trust that God’s call on your life is something He has equipped you for and will sustain you through.

If you’ve been leading for a long time and the road has become rough, stop, breathe and remind yourself of the amazing privilege that is yours… that God actually has called you to be involved in what He is doing on this planet!

This is your time. This is your generation. Step into those ministry shoes, dear one, and go change the world!

Stephanie Shott
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