5 Important Verses to Pray and Claim for Your Children

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The last chapter in my new book, The Making of a Mom, is called Parenting from Your Knees

Our knees. It’s where we seek our Father’s face of the souls of our kids. Prayer. It’s the most powerful thing we can do.

It’s scary being a mom when you know that you can try your best to do all the right things and teach them how to know and love God, but when it’s all said and done, mommas realize that kids have a mind and heart of their own. And so we pray.

Moms pray for their kids like no one and if momma ain’t praying, there ain’t nobody praying.

But sometimes we aren’t sure how or what to pray. We don’t know the depths of our children’s hearts…but God does. And so we pray His Word back to Him – trusting what He says in His Word to be true… BECAUSE IT IS.

Today, I want to help you as you seek your Father’s face for the souls and the future of your children. Here are 5 verses you can pray and claim for your children.


Lord, teach my children like only You can and multiply Your peace in their lives. I know they can’t live a life of peace apart for knowing You and apart from living according to your instruction. Please teach them Lord, and give them receptive hearts that are ready to listen and obey.



Lord, the biggest prayer request I will ever have for my kids is that they will be saved… that they will know You… and love You.. and live for You all the days of their lives. I realize there is a war going on for the hearts of my children and I’m standing in the gap for them right now. Praying for their salvation at a young age. Praying You will make them eternally Yours!



Precious Father, please help my children not only be filled with the knowledge of your will and the wisdom and understanding that comes from the Holy Spirit, but help them embrace it and live a life worthy of You and that pleases you in every way!



Lord, please help my children hate the things You hate and love the things You love! Make the things of this world repulsive to them and give them a heart after holiness… a heart after You. Help them to continually saturate their hearts and minds in Your Word so that their minds will be renewed, their faith will be strengthened, their discernment will be biblical and You will be the ultimate object of their affection. 



Lord, please lead my children to the place where they realize that it really is all about You. Give them humble hearts that seek to make much of You… to desire to know You and to make You known. Cause them to live their lives for Your glory and not their own. Prevent pride and arrogance from dominating their desires and make them people after Your own heart.








2014 M.O.M. Conference ~ BETTER TOGETHER

July 31st – August 2nd,

Jacksonville, Florida at Trinity Baptist Church

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