How to Mother in the Spirit

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“Jesus I can’t do this,” my whisper barely reaches my own ears. “Help me. I need you.”

“Mommy what are you saying?”

“Now you listen,” I think to myself.

“I’m just asking Jesus to help me,” I reply to her question.

“Are you mad at us?” She looks at her siblings.

“Is she intentionally trying to knock me off the edge?” I wonder as I formulate my answer.

“No sweetie, but I am frustrated at how things have gone today. Mostly I am frustrated with myself and I need Jesus to help me.”

Saying those words out loud knocked something loose in my heart. The truth is I don’t need Jesus to help me, I need Jesus to run the show. When I only invite Jesus to help me with a difficult situation or get me out of the trouble my anger has created, I miss the boat.

Picture it this way: A world famous inventor has created the most amazing invention to help you in life. He hands you his invention and you do what comes naturally. You push buttons and through trial and error figure out what the invention is for and how it can help make your life better. As you fidget and push buttons, something strange occurs. The invention stops working completely. Suddenly in a moment of panic, you call out to the inventor, “Help me. I can’t figure this thing out.” The inventor was there all the time waiting for you to ask for help you.

Isn’t that how we treat Jesus? We stumble and bumble through this mothering thing. We may even read books on the subject, but we fail to ask Him – the inventor of motherhood – for direction.

Not only will Jesus guide us, but through the Holy Spirit He wants to empower us to be the mothers He intended us to be. Jesus wants us to ask Him to empower us throughout the day to live for Him as women, friends, sisters, grandmothers, mothers, mothers-in-law, daughers-in-law… He longs to fill us so we can live victorious lives for His glory and honor.

It isn’t wrong to ask Jesus for help or admit we can’t do this mothering thing without Him (I will still be whispering to Him for help). However I challenge us all to ask Jesus to empower us at the beginning of each day and throughout the day to walk by the Holy Spirit. So our mothering is marked by His power and direction instead of our fumbling attempts.

What would happen if we mothered by the power of the Holy Spirit? Can you imagine what God could do with mothers empowered by His Spirit? Sounds pretty exciting to me. Will you join me?

Romans 8:5 “Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.”

By Angela Mackey

Stephanie Shott
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