When Mom is Sick: 10 Brilliant Survival Tactics

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When mom gets sick her magic of juggling a gazillion tasks comes to a screeching halt. But, we all know these responsibilities are never allowed a sick day. How can mom and her busy household survive when fever, aches and chills knock her off her feet?

  • Hunker down with your kiddos in a safe, small space in the house. Bring your little ones in the bedroom with you and lock your door, or make your bed on the couch near their play area. Staying close will help you rest and manage at the same time.
  • Store large cardboard boxes in your garage for this occasion. Kids always enjoy creating with boxes!  Allow the kids to decorate the boxes with washable markers and use their creative imagination while you rest.
  • Set out healthy snacks for little ones to help themselves to throughout the day. The less you need to jump up, the better!
  • Allow the older kids to practice managing the home and serving those around them.  Maybe they will even bring you breakfast in bed and shower you with get-well notes! 
  • Prepare a special sick day art basket. Fill the basket with construction paper, glue, stickers and stamps. Have the kids make birthday cards and thank you notes for later use.
  • Ask for help. This is what friends are for! Have your friend take the kids for an hour or two or drop off pizza for the kids. 

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.” Proverbs 17:22

  • Enjoy a breakfast in bed and movie day. Make pleasant memories while snuggling and lounging as you regain strength.
  • Keep a sick day box of toys tucked away to use for this occasion. Pre-arranged toys, games and coloring books in a large storage container are easy for a sick mom to pull out in a pinch. These “new” toys will allow you extra time for rest.
  • Play educational computer games by mom’s bedside. Our family loves the Bible App for Kidswww.abcmouse.com and www.starfall.com.
  • Listen to online Bible stories and adventures for kids. Here are two fun places to get the kiddos started!  Answers in Genesis   and  The Brinkmann Adventures.

How do you survive when sick? Share more ideas with us in our comments!

In Him,

Tara Dovenbarger

Stephanie Shott
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