For Those Out-Side-the-Box Thinkers Who Want to Change the World

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Psssst! You! The one whose every heartbeat rushes world-changing blood through your veins. The one who doesn’t just think outside the box but doesn’t even believe there is one! 

You and I are a lot alike and I LOVE swirling ideas, plans, and projects around with you for the intentional and strategic purpose of reaching people for Christ.

I love outside-the-box thinkers! Especially when it comes to evangelism!

At The MOM Initiative, we don’t have a box either.

Today, I want to share 14 ways you can think outside your own box and connect with The MOM Initiative to reach moms who need to come to know Christ and minister to those who already do. After all, that’s what missionaries do, and YOU have been left on this planet and live where you live so that YOU can be a missionary right there where you live!

You can also CLICK THIS LINK and DOWNLOAD a FREE COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT WORKSHEET PDF that will help you leverage the relationships you already have in your community and develop new relationships with the purpose of reaching moms for Christ.

YOU can impact YOUR community and this culture for CHRIST through missional mentoring.

Because if the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, the church that mentors those hands will win it. And because if you reach the moms of this generation, you can reach the heart of the next generation.


NOW… more than ever, we need to be the church and intentionally go outside our doors to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

So, here are 14 ways that you can do just that – and we are here to help! These ideas will work through your church, ministry, and on the mission field!

And remember, we understand that each MOM Group is unique, and we help you develop a MOM Group that will work for YOU!

When possible MOM Groups that include life-skills are a powerful way to help moms in practical ways.


Cooking Healthy Meals Organization  Budgeting Couponing
Computer Skills Job/Resume Skills Cleaning Parenting

(Keep in mind that mentoring is a tool to reach moms for Christ and to minister to those who know Him. We can help you get started today!)


We currently have MOM Groups meeting in jails and prisons where incarcerated moms are mentored and many of them are coming a different mom than when they went in. Mentor moms in prison or in a jail and share the Gospel with them while helping them discover the significance of their role as a mom! You can be the one who speaks life into their lives and gives them hope for themselves and their kids. 

The one thing they are asking for when they come out is a MOM Group in a local church where they can continue growing in their relationship with God and discovering the importance of their role as a mom.

We want MOM Groups in every city in more than 1/2 of the churches so that we can have a life-giving church for these precious moms to go when they get out of prison.

Want to mentor moms in prison or in jail? Contact us and we will schedule some time for training to help you get started, and we are also here for you along the way!


We depend on our sister churches to BE the church in each community! Urban community churches have the power to reach our urban community moms like no one else can. 

If you are an urban ministry leader, you know that moms are struggling in your community and we do everything we can to help you reach out to them with the tangible love of Jesus and help them navigate motherhood with the tools they need to be the moms God created them to be.

If you want to reach at-risk kids, you have to reach the moms who are raising them!

Want to mentor moms in your urban community or through a church or ministry there? Contact us and we will schedule some time for training to help you get started, and we are also here for you along the way!



Single moms need help! The statistics are staggering! The potential is huge! The church can make a difference today but currently, it is failing to impact these precious moms. 

Here are the stats:

  • 50% + children are being raised in single parent homes
  • 13% of those children have teen moms
  • 78% of the prison population came from single parent homes
  • 75% of government assistance is received by single parents
  • 66% of single moms and their children live below poverty level
  • 76% of single moms are unchurched

You, your church, your ministry, your mission field is a place where single moms can find refuge, encouragement, help, and hope! YOU have the chance to reach out to single moms in a time when life is hard for them and God’s people can be Jesus with skin on.

Want to mentor single moms? Contact us and we will schedule some time for training to help you get started, and we are also here for you along the way!


Some churches are already a part of an Adopt an Apartment ministry. But whether you are or you’re not already involved in a local apartment community, you can be. You can make a difference right there where moms live!

You can create an opportunity for moms to grow in their mom journey and, if they don’t know Jesus, you can reach them with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Want to mentor moms in an apartment community? Contact us and we will schedule some time for training to help you get started, and we are also here for you along the way!


When your children wonder away from you and from the God your raised them to know, it’s heartbreaking! 

Offer to host a MOM Group for moms of prodigal children and help them navigate those difficult times together. Pray for one another, for each other’s children and for other parent’s prodigal children.

Want to mentor moms of prodigals? Contact us and we will schedule some time for training to help you get started, and we are also here for you along the way!


MOM Groups are for moms of all ages who have children of all ages. You don’t stop being a mom when your children hit the magic age of 18. Unfortunately, you just can send them to their room anymore. Moms of adult children have unique struggles and needs. Hosting an Adult MOM Group gives you a whole new opportunity to reach moms who don’t know Christ and minister to those who do.

Want to mentor moms of adult children? Contact us and we will schedule some time for training to help you get started, and we are also here for you along the way!


Christian pediatric doctors and ob/gyn doctors are part of a mom’s life. Connect with your local doctor and ask if you can offer to meet with the moms at their office, if they can offer to pass out invitations to moms who might be interested in being part of a MOM Group, or if you can leave your phone number so they can contact you if they are interested in being part of a MOM Group at your church.

Want to mentor moms through your local doctor’s office? Contact us and we will schedule some time for training to help you get started, and we are also here for you along the way!


You read the stats! 13% of single moms are teens and in desperate need of a a shoulder to lean on, a hero to listen, and wisdom to embrace their new role as a mom. Most schools will allow you to mentor school age moms. All you have to do is be willing to ask.

Want to mentor school age moms? Contact us and we will schedule some time for training to help you get started, and we are also here for you along the way!


Lunchtime is a great time to for working moms to get together and encourage each other in their mom journey! It’s also a great way to invite moms who don’t know Christ to join you. What a powerful way to share your life, your love and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Missional mentoring is a beautiful way to reach moms for Christ! The workplace is a practical place to do it.

Want to mentor moms at your workplace? Contact us and we will schedule some time for training to help you get started, and we are also here for you along the way!


Meet with moms in a park, at a community center, at a local coffee shop, or at a local restaurant, to reach out to moms who need Christ and minister to moms who know Christ. Need childcare? Meet at a restaurant with a play area.

Want to mentor moms at a public place? Contact us and we will schedule some time for training to help you get started, and we are also here for you along the way!


Launch a MOM Group with moms who are hanging out with you while your kids are at baseball practice, taking ballet lessons, at art class, during homeschool co-op, or whenever you’re waiting with other moms while you’re children are doing something.

Want to mentor moms during one of your children’s activities? Contact us and we will schedule some time for training to help you get started, and we are also here for you along the way!

12. CHURCH MOM Groups

Foundational to your church’s or missionary’s attempt to reach moms for Christ is to connect them to the local church. YOU can host MOM Groups in your church and reach out to the communities around you to invite moms in, minister to them and reach them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Want to mentor moms at your church? Contact us and we will schedule some time for training to help you get started, and we are also here for you along the way!

13. AT HOME MOM Groups

Home! It’s where the heart is and it’s where women gather together, share what’s on their hearts, and feel most comfortable being real with one another. Opening your home to host a MOM Group is an amazing way to reach out to moms in your community!

Want to mentor moms in your home? Contact us and we will schedule some time for training to help you get started, and we are also here for you along the way!


Connecting with other ministries to come alongside and offer to mentor moms in their care is a powerful way to link hearts and hands to make a difference by serving together! Here are a few:

CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTERS are always looking for help and you can also invite those young moms to join your MOM Group at your church after they walk through the Crisis Pregnancy Center’s program.

HOMELESS SHELTERS long for others to come alongside of them and help with those who are in their care. Mentoring moms and teaching life skills is a huge way to not only help them where they are but help them beyond their homelessness with life skills that can help them get a job and back on their feet.

MATERNITY HOMES, WOMEN’S CENTERS AND SHELTERS are filled with moms who can be taught, encouraged, ministered to and reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

SOCIAL SERVICE PROGRAMS offered through your local government or the state work with moms in desperate need of wisdom as a mom, practical parenting skills, and encouragement in their journey.

Want to mentor moms by connecting with other ministries? Contact us and we will schedule some time for training to help you get started, and we are also here for you along the way!

MOM Groups are just a tool to use to help you mentor moms. The goal is to reach moms for Christ and to minister to those who know Him – to reach the moms of this generation so that we can reach the children of the next generation – to impact our communities and this culture through the power of missional mentoring.

YOU have the power to make a difference! YOU have the power to change the world one mom at a time.

And we are dedicated to helping you not only get started but to help you, your church, and your ministry leaders along the way!

Stephanie Shott
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