What Worked for Me in 2015

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Have you ever heard of the post-Christmas blues? It’s a thing, I’m sure of it. I’ve seen it a lot in friends and family. All the excitement and planning of Christmas culminates in a day of joy and then…..it’s over. I have to admit, I’m pretty sure I haven’t had it once since becoming an adult. Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas. But as an introvert Christmas pushes me over the edge of the socializing cliff, and I can’t wait to detox. That’s what I think December 26th should be called: Christmas Detox Day.

Honestly, I get more excited about the beginning of a new year than I do about Christmas because I am a planner. I love the idea of reflecting on the year. What worked? What didn’t work? What needs to stay and what needs to go? What goals do I want to set for this year? 

It’s a sickness, just typing those sentences makes me excited.

In my reflection of 2015 I realized two things that truly worked for me this year that might be helpful for other moms who are struggling to get a handle on things like I am. 

  1. Bullet Journal
    • Hands down this is the best thing I did all year to keep my life pulled together. I have tried every calendar system in the known world, but I can’t ever seem to find one that fits exactly what I need. I always end up with blank pages that I never use (which makes me feel guilty – see, sickness), or wishing I had spaces for other categories that aren’t in the book. I want to be able to keep all my calendaring and to do lists in one place, but with homeschooling I was writing in two or three separate planners. Enter the bullet journal! It’s completely customizable for your purposes. Yes, it takes a lot of set up in the beginning, but it’s worth it! It’s impossible to explain the beauty of the system in a short paragraph, but I have many bullet journal entries pinned on my Pinterest board if you are interested in checking it out.
  1. Spiral Notebooks
    • Okay, this one is homeschooly (I think I made that word up), but stay with me. I struggled for the longest time finding something that worked to keep my kids on task and know what they needed to do for the day. I’ve tried apps, their own planners, printables, charts and stickers, you name it and I’ve tried it. Then one day I happened upon a post that Sarah Mackenzie wrote about using spiral notebooks to write out her kid’s lessons for the day and it was so simple. My life changed that very day, two twenty cent spiral notebooks was all it took. I simply spend the first fifteen minutes of our school day writing a checklist of what they need to get done that day. That’s it. They don’t have to ask me what’s next or what pages to do in their books, just check the notebook. But I think this method would work just as well for parents who don’t homeschool. You could use it daily for whatever chores and homework needs to get done, or write out one big checklist at the beginning of the week for them to work on.. It’s so simple and it works. I promise.

Moms are notoriously busy. All of us. I hope these suggestions are helpful for a few of you hard working moms doing the best you can to keep all the balls rolling for your family.

As you reflect on 2015, what worked for you? I would LOVE to know! Leave a comment and let all of us in on your secret!

Stephanie Shott
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