Some Days Need a Do Over

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There are some days when you just need a do over — you know the kinda day I’m talking about. The one that goes something like this: you wake up late, the kids get up early, you forget your coffee, run out the door with kids half dressed and in a full on frenzy. You’re not quite sure if you brushed your teeth, but you gotta get the kids to school on time, only you’re not. You’re so late now that you have to actually walk them into the office to sign them in, the only problem is that you forgot to put on something other than pj’s in your rush to get out the door.

{Insert exasperated sigh here}

Chances are we’ve all been there, or somewhere close to it, and unfortunately the rest of the day can spiral just as out of control. Come on girls, let’s be honest, you had a flash forward to a day full of madness. There was probably some bad attitude here and there, sprinkle in a few choice words to your husband for not waking you up in time, maybe a snarky comment to one of the moms at your play date with the littlest, and when it came time to do homework or make dinner there was no chance that it was gonna go well.

Unfortunately I can relate, all too well. I stayed home for the first nine years my kids were little then went to work full time after that. I’ve been on both sides of the stay at home and working mom coin, and I gotta tell you both are stressful, hard and yet also incredibly ripe with blessings.

So what’s a mom to do when some days need a do over?

  • Take a time out. No, really, it’s not just kids that need it, we do too. Take some time to just exhale a bit. Get off the hamster wheel of crazy and just be still for a bit. It’s remarkable what can come from just pausing for a moment.

Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 ESV

  • Give yourself grace. We aren’t perfect and we will have less than stellar days. That’s ok. Own it, but don’t let it own you.

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23 ESV

  • Pray and ask God to redeem the day. Also ask for forgiveness for your part of the bad attitude.

You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.” Matthew 21:22 NLT

  • Be aware and do things differently. We can’t just let our attitudes and things around us take our day hostage and lead us to bad behavior.

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:15-17 ESV

  • Ask for help. If the day turns into multiple days and you’ve tried everything above, then call a friend, a mentor, or a counselor and ask for help. You aren’t meant to go on this journey alone.

A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need. Proverbs 17:17 NLT

Sweet mama, you are not alone. Each one of us has experienced a day when we need a do over. It’s part of this whole parenting journey. The hard part is choosing to do something different. Don’t get stuck in the hamster wheel of crazy. There are lots of other moms out there — younger, older and everything in between — that are there if you just reach out and ask.

What about you?

  • What tips, tricks or ideas do you have to redeem a do over day?

We’d love to hear from you!

~ Melissa

Here’s a little something just for you to remind yourself what to do on a Do Over Day.

tractor toy on the beach

Stephanie Shott
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