When the Mom You Are Is Much Different from the Mom You Want to Become

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Have you ever felt like the mom you wanted to be was very different than the mom you had become? I have.

I was the mom who would never count to three, never yell at her kids, who would always have her house clean, and who baked her own bread. But somehow the mom I longed to be was a much more together mom than the mom I had become.

But giving up wasn’t an option. Little eyes were watching me and I realized that wedged somewhere between the pink line on the pregnancy stick and the day I would send them off to college were only 18 summers, a lot of chaos, and the only chance I would get to make the most of the beautiful, crazy, messy, sacred calling of motherhood.

Maybe like me, you feel altogether not-so-together. You don’t have to feel that way anymore.

That’s why The MOM Initiative team wrote GETTING IT TOGETHER – to help you in your mom journey to be the mom you long to become.

Tucked in the pages of this book are words of wisdom from moms who share from their own lives the messy truth about getting it together – 31 days of grace echoed from the hearts of moms who understand that in our attempts to be more together moms that perfection is not the goal. The goal is really just a more together mom who embraces the truth that life is too short to just hope things go well.

These are the days for grace. Grace for you and grace for your family. Grace mixed with a tad of discipline, a lot of patience, and the peace of knowing that the perfect Parent has promised to partner with you in your journey.

Motherhood. It’s a 24/7 gig that none of us have down pat. Maybe some are a bit more together than others, but there’s not a mom on this planet who has it all together. Just millions of moms like you and me who are trying to figure it out and who understand that a more together mom makes for more together kids.

If you haven’t received your copy of GETTING IT TOGETHER simply CLICK THIS LINK to subscribe for a daily dose of mom encouragement, mom tips and mom joy from The MOM Initiative and get your copy in your inbox today!

Stephanie Shott
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