Moms around the world, suit up–it’s time.
School is starting. While some of you may be jumping for joy, many of you may be bawling because you, me–we STRUGGLE with routines, baking, and getting every child out the door on time. Either way, I have a sure to please recipe that is not only healthy but a great way to start your day tomorrow.
It is a gluten free baked oatmeal recipe. You have the option of putting it all together early in the morning or prepping it before bed the night before. I am the ‘night before’ type of person because I usually can’t find my keys, digital recorder (reporter mom) or my kids half the time. And before you check out the recipe, I want to pray some words over you from The Passion Translation of Proverbs 8:32-35.
I had the privilege of an amazing warrior woman who stands in the gap of helping women in crisis pray over me. We as moms, working moms or stay at home moms have been called to the mission field in several ways. We have been created and purposed for such a time as this. The beginning of the school year is the time to reflect, pray, and rely on God for missional living as moms.
“I will transform you and make you into a different person.
As I train you to hear My voice you will become a sharpened instrument in My hands.
These are the days that I will train you and instruct you in My ways, giving you many secrets of what I am about to do. For I will make you a missionary of hope to many. You will be a voice that always brings life to others and grace to the weakest one. I will put words in your mouth that have never been declared or spoken before. I chose you for a purpose and My plan for your life will be fulfilled.
Giving Me a listening heart and I will give you hope-filled words for what is to come. Many think they heard My voice and have not. Some have heard My whisper but it has yet to change their heart. But I have called you with purpose to hear with clarity, and to take My life-giving words and build up the lives of others. Even this day I will use you to strengthen what is feeble and to help the one who is broken-hearted.
Listen carefully to My words and you will be one who is fully equipped to represent Me.
You have said to Me, ‘Take my life and make me into the person You want me to be.’
Listen to My words and they will be life and power inside of you. It is the sound of My voice that brings the change you long for. The greatest joy of your life will be in knowing Me– that I am kind, tender-hearted to
My children, full of compassion and forgiveness toward those who fall.
I will make you a sharpened, pure instrument of mature love. Bring to Me your listening heart and I will bring to you the life and change you long for.
So listen, my sons and daughters to everything I tell you,
for nothing will bring you more joy than following my ways.
Listen to my counsel for my instruction will enlighten you.
You’ll be wise not to ignore it!
If you wait at wisdom’s doorway longing to hear a word for every day,
joy breaks forth within you as you listen for what I’ll say.
For the fountain of life pours into you every time that you find me,
and this is the secret of growing in the delight and the favor of the Lord!”
Proverbs 8:32-35
The Passion Translation

- 2 cups gluten-free rolled oats
- 1/3 cup brown sugar
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup walnut pieces
- 1 cup raspberries {any berries work}
- 1/2 cup milk chocolate chips
- 2 cups almond milk
- 3 tbsp ground flaxmeal (or ground chia)
- 3 tablespoons earth balance butter, melted
- 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
- 1 ripe banana, peeled, 1/2-inch slices
- Preheat oven to 375°F and generously spray the inside of a 10-1/2 by 7 inch baking dish with cooking spray and place on a baking sheet.
- In a large bowl, mix together the oats, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, half the walnuts, half the strawberries and half the chocolate. (Save the other half of strawberries, walnuts and chocolate for the top of the oatmeal).
- In another large bowl, whisk together the milk, flax, butter and vanilla extract.
- Add the oat mixture to prepared baking dish. Arrange the remaining strawberries, walnuts and chocolate on top. Add the banana slices to the top then pour the milk mixture over everything. Gently shake the baking dish to help the milk mixture go throughout the oats.
- Bake 35 to 40 minutes or until the top is nicely golden brown and the milk mixture has set. For an extra tasty top, sprinkle a tablespoon or so of extra brown sugar.
- To bake overnight: Mix oats, milk and sweetners in large bowl. Soak either overnight (for more of a baked oatmeal kind of dish) or for at least 24 hours for an oatmeal cake consistency.
- Add remaining ingredients, saving baking powder and eggs until last. Mix well.
- Add fruit in the morning right before putting into oven.
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