Amazing, Beautiful & Funny Videos that Will Melt a Momma’s Heart

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Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us that there is a season for everything. I’m glad our seasons include laughing and crying, embracing and refraining from embracing, mourning and dancing. He gives us seasons of joy that counter our seasons of difficulty.

Today, we’re going to focus on the season for laughing and the season for embracing as we share 3 videos that will melt your momma heart big time and leave you laughing, as well!

ENJOY! And let us know which is your favorite! 😉

A Unique Connection

As a unique experiment, Pandora met with 6 moms, blindfolded their children and brought them in one at a time. What happens next will bring tears to your heart! 

Click here if you can’t see the video in your reader.


 Living on a Prayer or Livin’ for the Share? Maybe a little of both!

 Because every mom has to get a family picture she can share! Let us know if this is anything like your attempts at the perfect, shareable family photo!  

Click here if you can’t view this in your reader.


What moms say! LOVE this fast and fun parody by Anita Renfroe! Tell us… how many of these things have you said in the last 24 hours?

Click here if you can’t view this in your reader.

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Do you have a favorite MOM video? We’d love you to share the link!

By the way, I wrote a Bible study on Ecclesiastes that really helps us focus on what matters most even in the midst of messy diapers, overflowing laundry baskets, piles of dishes, baseball practice, doctor appointments and colicky babies.

UnknownIf you or your small group or Sunday school class or College & Career age group go through it, I’d love to hear from you!

Understanding What Matters Most – a 6 Week Study through Ecclesiastes. Sit at Solomon’s feet and discover how to really live for eternity and make this life count for what matters most.

Stephanie Shott
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