Help Your Children Find Their Inner Geek

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inner geek 

Let’s face it. There’s something about each of our lives that only we can get excited about. You know what I mean. You wait with baited breath to tell someone the most wonderful thing that has happened to you in weeks and . . . they meet your excitement with a blank stare and eyes darting for another topic.

Maybe you’re a rare key collector, a plane engine buff, or someone who loves to discover how other people’s favorite color relates to their personality. Maybe you’re the world’s best Salsa dancer. Or pogo stick bouncer. Or plant whisperer.

When we find things about ourselves that no one else seems to relate to, we often bury them so that no one can see how much we care about them. But, somehow they always resurface don’t they? They nag you in the middle of the night. They taunt you as you search for your child’s Christmas gift and wish you were the one getting the talking globe with 20,000 topography facts.

This is your inner geek.

Our inner geek is something we are extremely passionate about to the extent that very few people can relate to us about it. It’s something that often feels unique to us because God has placed a passion in each of us for something that is rare and purposed for his use.

Your child has one too. This little person you’re raising likely has a “hidden” person inside of him or her that needs to be embraced if they are to find their gifts—and eventually—their calling in this life.

So, how do we help our kids locate their passion at an early age, so we can encourage them to explore it? Simply watch them. And, over time, track what you see.

Their passion will be:

  • Something they can’t stop doing, and always return to.
  • Something that comes easy for them, or they have a natural talent for.
  • Something that they “lose themselves” in. Hours can literally pass and they don’t notice.
  • Something they can’t stop talking about.
  • Something that they build on over the years.
  • Something that they are obsessed with, accessories (like a writer obsessed with pens, or an artist obsessed with crayons)

Helping your children realize their gifts and passions will go a long way in helping them find a purpose in their lives that is fulfilling not only to them, but to God’s greater need. But, sometimes it’s one of the hardest things to let them do—especially if it goes against the grain or what seems normal.

Just remember, sweet mom, God didn’t call us—or our children—to a life of normalcy. He called us into lives of extraordinary accomplishment and purpose! He pulled from everyday men, women, and yes—children—to do great things for him.

Jeremiah 1:5 (NLT) says, “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”

God has great plans for your children. A unique plan. Help them discover their gifts so that they can go out into this world and serve to the best of their ability. After all, coming alongside God in this journey is part of your purpose as well.


Stephanie Shott
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