Dear Moms: Guide Your Children Without Judgement

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Dear Lovely Moms,

One of the most beautiful things about God’s love for His children is that it is unconditional. 

Because of this unconditional love, we get to be close to our Father in Heaven. This close relationship helps us grow into who He wants us to be. Through careful direction and love from our Father, we learn how to walk in His ways and become wiser as a result, hopefully making less mistakes through His guidance.

If God was harsh and unforgiving, our tendency might be to run from Him and not to Him.

The same is true for our children.

When we are harsh with our children, they turn away from us just like we might turn away from a God we thought was harsh, or critical, or not willing to forgive. I am not saying that we shouldn’t discipline our children. It is clearly stated throughout scripture to discipline our children. 

Discipline your son, and he will give you rest; he will give delight to your heart. (Proverbs 29:17 ESV)

I am saying to go about discipline thoughtfully and gently with a goal in mind and without anger.

Sometimes, our children just need us to listen. We should try to be patient. And most of all, we should not judge them for who they are becoming as individuals who are often quite different from us. God made each of us unique creatures meant to love and serve Him in individual and special ways. 

Our children will never see the world exactly as we see it. If we are wearing pink glasses, then our children’s glasses may be another color like red, or purple, or even light pink–they see the world in a different light.  

As we watch our children grow from tiny tots into young adults, it gets harder to discipline them. So, the next time you hear those harsh words come out of your mouth, STOP! Go to God in that moment and ask for His help. Listen more than you speak, and be open to what your kids are thinking and feeling. If they feel God’s love through us, they will want to share more of their lives with us.

We should discipline and guide them with love. The close relationship you have with God who molds you should mimic the one moms have with their children.  Add a lot of prayer for and with them to the recipe, and you will foster a God-centered relationship with your children.

MOMs, we want our children to turn to us and God in times of crisis, not someone or something else.

Many Blessings,

Allison D

Stephanie Shott
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