See Coming Before It’s Coming & a GIVEAWAY ~ by Lynn Cowell

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 magnetic_coverHappy Monday! This is Stephanie and I’m super excited to share with you about Lynn Cowell’s new book, Magnetic! It’s definitely a MUST READ and Lynn is graciously giving away a copy to one blessed commenter to this post! SOOOOO… before you dive into today’s power-packed post by Lynn, let me tell you how you can enter to win. 

Packed with honesty, encouragement and perspective-changing truth Magnetic, by Lynn Cowell, will empower girls and young woman to reach their fullest potential by focusing on becoming who God made them to be! A girl who reflects God’s love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. A girl who will attract the right type of guy one day: one who loves God with all his heart and who will cherish her!
If you have a girl or love a girl you know, ENTER TO WIN a copy of Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants, by sharing some wisdom you’d wish you’d had as a teenager – or the best mentoring advice you were given – about looking for a guy and/or becoming the girl God created you to be.
CLICK “Share Your Thoughts” under this post and ENTER to WIN! WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN FRIDAY’S POST.


A song on Pandora. A text’s chirp. Each bit of information seemed like no big deal. But it was in fact a very big deal. For in minutes, my happy girl was no longer happy and we were in the throes of teens angst once again. 

What did I miss?

Minutes ago, we were cracking up together! Now, as her heart was throbbing, rejection, loneliness and self-doubt pushing her down. As her mom, I wanted to fix it, but felt so helpless to.

From the surface, hearing that specific song and receiving the text at the same time seemed like a coincidence. I’ve been learning, however, it isn’t always chance.

Peter the Apostle tells us: “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

Just waiting.

For the chance.

The truth is we have an enemy. And he is always looking for the chance to trip us up.

Looking, scheming, scouting, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to:

• Bring back the hurt through a familiar song.
• Remind us of a past mistake. 
• See pictures on social media to rub in the rejection.

Satan will hold back nothing to get at our hearts and into our minds, whatever it takes to drag us down. It’s his purpose, his goal. And he knows your daughter will believe it was the boy, the friend or the crowd who made her feel that way.

As women, we can learn to stay alert so we are less likely to get caught unaware and fall into the trap of an emotional spiral. For us to be on guard, we need to daily pour in the truth that we are unconditionally loved, adored and pursued by the One, our Love, Jesus.

Then we can teach our kids how to watch for what they don’t see coming. Whether we’re 16 or 46, we can learn to be on guard.

If we will consistently do this, when the disappointments and hurts in life inevitably come, they’ll find our heart full of perfect love and less vulnerable to rejection and offense.

But what about our daughters?

How can a girl, just years away from playing with dolls, learn to fight emotions that seem too powerful? Deal with mood swings that try to take her peace away? And avoid the daily surfacing “girl drama”?

From you. She learns from you.

After the hugs and listening, you can teach her to see what she doesn’t see coming. To be on guard by being selective to the music she hears, whom she follows on social media and to whom she entrusts her heart. And be intentional to pour God’s truth into her heart each and every day.

Not only will her life be more peaceful, yours will too!

Lord, by reading Your Word and spending time in prayer, help me to first learn to be on guard for the enemy’s tactics to trip me up. Empower me, as I learn to share this truth with my children and those I have an opportunity to influence. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Lynn has just released a new book: Magnetic: Becoming the Girls He Wants. Magnetic empowers young women to: 

·      Stop feeling powerless over your emotions and people’s opinions as you gain unshakeable confidence

·      Limit the draining affect of “girl drama” so you can invest your time in becoming the best you

·      Replace the agonizing frustration of wanting to be noticed and liked with a deep assurance that you already are

You can order your copy here. 


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Lynn Cowell
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