Why Moms Matter

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A few months ago, I read a funny post about why God made moms. When asked why God made mothers, one second grader said, “She’s the only one who knows where the Scotch tape is.”

This is certainly true in my home, and I’m guessing it might be true in yours as well. (Why is it we are the only ones who remember where things are put away?)

Unfortunately (and all jokes aside), we moms sometimes agree with this young girl. We feel like all we ever do is clean, cook, or run errands. It’s tempting at times to wonder if what we do really matters in the long run.

Sure, we all know in our minds that moms matter. We wouldn’t be doing this if we didn’t know the truth.

But the question is…do our hearts believe it?

At the end of the day, after cleaning the floors yet again and picking up yet another stray lego, do we really believe our job as mom is important?

If you’re feeling unsure today, I want to share with you several reasons why you—mother and finder-of-lost-objects—matter.

5 Reasons Moms Matter:

1. God chose us to raise children to know Him.

We might feel unqualified or question our abilities, but God doesn’t. He trusts us. That, in and of itself, should remind us that our role matters. That we matter.

2. No one else will love our kids as much as we do.

Our kids can mess up time and time again, and we still love them. They need someone like that in their lives, someone who will never turn her back on them, regardless of the mistakes made. Our children can count on us to love them always, and that gives them security and peace of mind.

3. We are the backbones of our families.

The old saying is true: If Mama isn’t happy, then no one is happy. As moms, we determine the attitude of our homes. If I’m in a bad mood, I often lead my husband and children to behave accordingly. Similarly, if I’m cheerful (despite the messes and tantrums) my attitude rubs off on the rest of my family.

We moms determine the level of peace and happiness in our homes.

4. We are a picture of God to our kids.

When our children think about God, they will often give him the characteristics we show them. If we’re loving, they picture God as loving. If we are harsh and demanding, they view God that way. Parents, for better or for worse, are the pictures of God to their children.

5.  We are raising world-changers.

Today, you might have done laundry, cooked meals, run errands, brushed teeth, cleaned dirty bodies, and read bedtime stories. Activities others might claim are insignificant.

But remember this…today, you raised a world-changer.

That meal you cooked…nourished the body of a future president.

That body you washed…cleaned the body of a future missionary.

That bedtime story you read…reminded the future teacher that God loves him.

Your job matters, Mom, because your influence will outlast you.

Let’s Talk: What would you add to this list? Why do moms matter? Leave a comment to be entered to win a gift card from Lindsey for her blog tour contest!

This post is part of a Lindsey’s blog tour for Searching for Sanity, her new parenting devotional. You can read other posts in this tour by going to her blog: www.lindsey-bell.com.

IMG_0685About Lindsey Bell:

Lindsey Bell is the author of Searching for Sanity, a new parenting devotional. She’s also a stay-at-home mother of two, minister’s wife, avid reader, and chocolate lover. You can find Lindsey online at any of the following locations:

Her blog: www.lindsey-bell.com

Her website: www.lindseymbell.com

Twitter: www.twitter.com/LindseyMBell

Facebook: www.facebook.com/AuthorLindseyBell

Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/LindseyMBell01

About Searching for Sanity:

Searching for Sanity: 52 Insights from the Parents of the BibleHave you ever looked at your beloved children and wondered, what in the world am I doing? Why did God trust me—of all people—to raise them?

Motherhood is the most difficult job many of us will ever take. Searching for Sanity offers moms an opportunity to take a breath, dig into the Word, and learn from parents of the past. In short devotions designed for busy moms, this book uses the parents of the Bible—both the good and the bad—to inspire today’s mothers.





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