Remind Your Kids Who They Are

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child-of-god-tmi-060413 Youth group summer camp begins tomorrow morning. Grace and Samuel’s bags are packed and sitting by the front door. They are so excited they can barely stand it.

We have a family tradition whenever we say our goodbyes. Whether they’re going on a play date or staying overnight at their Papa and Nana’s house- after reminding them to behave, we whisper to them, “Remember who you are and Whose you are.”

When you give your heart and life to God, you are on of His children. With that comes not only a new life but an abundance of promises He has made to each one of us.

We are His beloved.

He has given us promises of divine favor; mercy, grace, joy, love, forgiveness…the list is long and cannot be exhausted no matter what situation we face.

As parents, we need to remember who we are and Whose we are, too. Although, we suffer through trials and hardships, no matter what comes our way – we are still His.

It’s been years since we began reminding our children who they are and Whose they are. Now, when my husband leaves for work the kids scramble to the front door to hug and kiss him goodbye…then they yell out the door after him, “Dad, remember who you are and Whose you are!”

What a sweet reminder from our kids. Do you know Whose you are? We can’t encourage our children to know their identity in Christ if we struggle ourselves. For this reason I remind myself often:
I am a child of God.  The thought out creation of the One true and living Savior. Blue blood runs through my veins.

I am the daughter of a King.

“But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to be called children of God.” John 1:12


Joanne sitting red shirtHdsht-166Joanne Kraft is a busy mom and the author of Just Too Busy—Taking Your Family on a Radical Sabbatical. She has a passion for igniting hearts for Jesus—especially moms. Joanne has been a single mom, a divorced mom, a full time working mom and a stay at home mom. She understands the heart of a mom.

Sign up for her newsletter The Busy Mom Bulletin.





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Stephanie Shott
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