“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17:9
“Nobody likes me everybody hates me, I’m going to eat some worms,” I sang under my breath. The silly words hid the pain in my nine-year-old heart.
I felt like none of my friends liked me, my family didn’t even like me. . .
Why would anyone like you? You are plain, ordinary. There isn’t anything special about you. You are a failure, my heart whispered.
I didn’t know my heart would lie to me. The world told me to “follow my heart.” But my heart didn’t seem to care about the truth.
The truth that God always loves me, my family loves me, and even friends love me. God has a plan for my life. He uses my failures and successes for good.
My emotions hid the truth.
It took me almost twenty years to learn that making choices based on how I feel is not wise. My heart lies. Instead of following my heart, I need to follow the truth. God’s truth will not lead me on wrong paths.
His truth will lead you on right paths too.
- Does your heart sometimes tell you lies? What lies does your heart tell you?
- How can you make choices based on truth instead of your feelings?
- Consider memorizing a Bible verse to tell you the truth about the lie your heart is telling you.
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