How About a Trade-In?

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By Guest: Linda Tang

When you are a child, fear comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes, beyond separation anxiety, nightmares or team try-outs. There are loads of things that our kids fear and plenty that we fear as moms…I am sure you can think of at least a few that might take your thoughts captive or keep you awake some nights!

In the book of Joshua, we are reminded of God’s presence in our lives and the power He gives as He encourages a nervous new leader in preparing for a challenging road, river and wall up ahead.

In the opening of the first chapter of the book of Joshua, we read that Moses has died and Joshua is going to lead the Israelites into the land that God has prepared for them (a.k.a., the Promised land). God tells Joshua:  “Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them.” (Joshua 1:6) This command is spoken just after God has told him: “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Joshua 1:5)

What a wonderful promise to be able to grab onto from our Father. Don’t you love knowing that you can cling to something bigger than yourself to see you through a difficult situation no matter what you are up against? What comfort we have in knowing that the Lord walks with each one of us, upholds us and sees us through all obstacles, whether wide or narrow, deep or shallow, high or low.

Where do you put your hope when you feel as if you are not standing as strong as you’d like or when you have a super big job to do and are feeling like it is just too overwhelming to take on?

What I love about God is that He reinforces his message to Joshua to be courageous. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Wow. Powerful words packed with punch that come straight from God’s lips to Joshua’s ears.

These words were true for Joshua and they are true for you. God is not only in your present situation but wants to pursue a continuing relationship with you that is real and personal each day so He can be the One at work in ALL your situations. The invitation to you is available at all times and only requires faith and action to trust and depend on Him. Pretty good deal or what?

No matter what land you are about to cross into, take God’s words to heart. You don’t have to allow fear to shape or give extra magnitude to your situation. Trade in the worry for dependence, strength, confidence and support that can only come from one place alone: Almighty God.

What areas of your life do you feel God is asking you to be strong, courageous and to trust in Him? 


Prior to cozying up on the sofa with her kids, Linda worked as Assistant Marketing Director for KABC Radio in Los Angeles, generating publicity for TalkRadio, ESPN and KLOS radio stations. Additionally, she worked and wrote for  ‘TEEN Magazine and helped market the the Miss USA, Miss Universe and Miss TEEN USA CBS telecasts during her employment at Madison Square Garden. She is the author of a young-adult novel, Picture Perfect (Lunchbox Press, 2001), and is currently working on a book that addresses the identity loss women struggle with after having children and how God helps re-establish themselves.  You can visit her site at:
Aside from working in her children’s classrooms each week, she serves as a group discussion leader at Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) and keeps her hand in publicity work on a contractual basis. Linda is represented by Blythe Daniel Literary Agency in Colorado Springs, CO.
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